Procedure:  Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest or Violation Exists
Associated Policy: Conflict of Interest and Ethical Practices 
Responsible Unit: President's Office
Category: Personnel Office of Origin:  President's Office Policy Contact by Title: President
Created Date: 8.3.2012 Effective Date:  8.21.2012 Revised Date(s): 8.21.12, 9.21.17
If the interested party is an employee, the member with oversight of the department employing the individual shall make a determination as to whether a conflict/violation exists and implement the appropriate safeguards and conflict/violation management plan to protect the College and the parties, including notifying the Board.

If the interested party is an officer, director or member of a committee, after disclosure of the all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the Board or committee meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest or ethical violation is discussed and voted upon. The remaining Board or committee members shall decide if a conflict of interest or ethical violation exists.

The Compliance Department of TCHHN may be consulted in all the above procedures prior to and during such deliberations.