Reference Document:  Violations
Associated Policy: Conflict of Interest and Ethical Practices
Created Date: 8.3.2012 Effective Date:  8.21.2012 Revised Date(s): 8.21.12, 9.21.17
Actions involving theft, fraud, embezzlement, kickbacks, misappropriation of funds or assets, falsification of records, conflicts of interest, breach of confidentiality and other improprieties are in direct violation of this policy. Managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing and monitoring compliance with this policy in their areas. Any violations or suspected violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate Vice President or Director of Human Resources. No employee will be subject to any disciplinary or retaliatory action for reporting a violation or potential violation of this policy. However, filing known false, malicious reports will not be tolerated and anyone filing such reports will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Any violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action ranging from a reprimand to dismissal. Criminal prosecution is also possible in appropriate circumstances.