Procedure:  Duty to Disclose Conflict of Interest Ethical Practices
Associated Policy:  Conflict of Interest and Ethical Practices
Responsible Unit: President's Office
Category: Personnel Office of Origin:  President's Office Policy Contact by Title: President
Created Date: 8.3.2012 Effective Date:  8.21.2012 Revised Date(s): 8.21.12, 9.21.17
In connection with any actual or possible violation of this Ethical Practices Policy, an interested person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the directors and members of committees with Board delegated powers to resolve such matters.

If the interested person is an employee, then the employee must disclose the situation to the member with oversight of the department employing the individual as soon as possible so that safeguards and a conflict/violation management plan can be established to protect the College and the parties.

After being notified by the employee, the department member must determine the extent of the conflict/violation and notify the Board, if necessary.

If a situation arises where it is difficult for an employee to determine the proper course of action, the matter should be discussed openly with the department member with oversight of the department or division chairperson.