Policy:  Conflict of Interest and Ethical Practices
Responsible Unit: President's Office
Category: General Policy Office of Origin:  President's Office Policy Contact by Title: President
Created Date: 8.3.2012 Effective Date:  8.21.2012 Revised Date(s): 8.21.2012, 9.18.2017
Compliance:  HLC Assumed Practices CRRT.B.10.020 A.1., A.2.; HLC Criteria for Accreditation CRRT.B.10.010 Criterion 2.A.
Scope:  All College employees and officers
Approving Body (ies) and Date(s) TCCNHS Board of Directors 9.18.2017
Policy Statement 

The purpose of the Ethical Practices Policy is to protect the integrity and reputation of TCCNHS during any interaction the College has with its community and constituents. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing ethical practices that are applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of every College employee, officer, and department head, including the duty to immediately report any suspected violations.

The College values its reputation for providing exceptional education to its students and is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct as an integral part of its mission and values. The men and women who have been employed here in the past and who are employed here now have built this reputation. Since our future depends on the trust and confidence
the public places in our College, every department head, faculty, staff and/or employee is expected to:
a.  Exhibit standards of personal integrity and professional conduct that reflect positively on his/her association with the College;
b.  Maintain strict confidentiality of student, employee, corporate records and information during and after employment with the College;
c.  Strive to provide educational services of the highest quality;
d.  Conduct personal and business dealings in compliance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws, regulations and policies;
e.  Seek opportunities to participate or play a leadership role in addressing issues of concern to the communities and constituencies served by the College;
f.  Demonstrate courtesy, respect, honesty, fairness, and decency in all relations with students, competitors, the general public, and co-workers; and
g. Report any questionable, unethical, or illegal activity to management or the Board of Directors.

Conflict of Interest
Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Employment of Relatives
College Employee Code of Professional Ethics
Financial Ethics and Accountability
Outside Directorships
Outside Employment
Recruitment and Admissions


Duty to Disclose
Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest or Violation Exists
Procedures for Addressing the Ethical Violation
Violations of the Ethical Practices Policy
Records of Proceedings