Procedure:  Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (Federal Financial Aid)
Associated Policy:  Federal Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
Responsible Unit: Student Affairs
Category: Financial Aid Office of Origin:  Enrollment Management - Financial Aid Policy Contact by Title: Director of Business Services
Created Date: 7.1.2011 Effective Date:  7.1.2011 Revised Date(s): 5.1.2014; 1.6.2020
Actions Taken for Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students will be notified by the Financial Aid office of actions taken for failure to meet satisfactory academic progress.
  1. Financial Aid Warning Status a. Students who do not meet the above criteria after being in good standing will be placed on “warning” and will continue to receive financial aid.
  2. Financial Aid Probationary Status a. Students not meeting the above criteria for two consecutive semesters will be placed on Financial Aid Probationary Status (FAPS) and will not have access to financial aid eligibility. After being placed on probation students must appeal to the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid for reinstatement of their financial aid eligibility. If the appeal is granted, financial aid eligibility will be reinstated and the student must meet the SAP criteria and any other stipulations designated by the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid as part of the reinstatement.
  3. Financial Aid Termination Status a. Students who fail to meet the above criteria for three consecutive semesters or fail to meet the standards established as part of their probationary reinstatement will no longer receive federal (Title IV), state, and institutional assistance until he or she meets all satisfactory academic progress criteria. Students may appeal their termination status to the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid by following the financial aid appeal process.