0.0 Introduction - Faculty Handbook   



Introduction to the Faculty Handbook.

Effective Date: 8/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 8/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee




One university inspiring and empowering the creation of knowledge that changes the world.


UAB serves students, patients, the community and the global need for discovery, knowledge dissemination, education, creativity and the application of groundbreaking solutions. We are a leader among comprehensive public urban research universities with academic medical centers.

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. It has been an honor to serve UAB for more than two decades—on faculty, as a chair and a dean, and as president—and work alongside talented faculty members from all corners of our campus. What has been daily evident over all these years is that UAB’s greatest asset is our people; in whatever department or discipline your work, it is your effort, dedication, and imagination that helps drives our success. And together we are having greater success and impact than ever, in all pillars of our mission: Education; Research, Innovation, and Economic Development; Patient Care; and Community Engagement. We are enrolling, educating, and inspiring the best and brightest students with innovative academic programs—some of them first of their kind regionally or nationally—and our distinctive Blazer Core Curriculum. We’ve had record numbers of our graduate programs among the top 25 nationally in U.S. News & World Report. And we are expanding opportunity for higher education like never before, with first-generation students making up more than a third of our freshman population. This is all thanks to your excellence in teaching, mentoring, and supporting these students, at all levels, to achieve their academic goals.  We are carrying on the most successful era of research funding in our university’s history, reaching record levels of expenditures as we diversify our funding portfolio. We are translating that research into world-class patient care (in the nation’s eighth largest hospital and throughout our Health System) as well as new technologies and startup companies that are bringing better health, quality of life, and economic development to communities throughout our state and beyond. Faculty in every school on campus are engaged in this groundbreaking, interdisciplinary research and scholarship, enabling us to become all the more competitive—and impactful—nationally and globally.  We are also engaging our community more effectively than ever, as faculty in every discipline develop and participate in service projects and mentor their students to do the same—from arts and educational programming, to financial literacy and science fairs, to our many health health-related initiatives. Our Grand Challenge, Live HealthSmart Alabama, involves faculty all over campus, as we continue partnering to improve health and revitalize neighborhoods throughout Birmingham and now statewide.  Building on a decade of unprecedented accomplishments, we are planning thoughtfully and collaboratively for the future. Our strategic plan, Forging Ahead (2024-2028), is now being executed by faculty campuswide, and our Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose, will substantially increase our impact as we work to reach $1 Billion in research expenditures.  Your dedication and leadership in realizing our ambitious aims will help make the next decade even more successful than our last, as we pursue a shared vision with shared governance and our shared values of Collaboration, Integrity, Respect, and Excellence. I look forward to our continued efforts in achieving both your personal career goals and the institutional goals of our great university. With my best regards, Ray L. Watts, M.D., President.

MESSAGE FROM THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & PROVOST. Dear Colleagues, As senior vice president of Academic Affairs and provost, I take great pride in recognizing the dedication and expertise of our faculty members, each of whom plays an integral role in enhancing the academic excellence of UAB. The Faculty Handbook is an extensive guide designed to support your scholarly endeavors, helping you excel and contribute meaningfully to our vibrant campus community. It outlines expectations, privileges, and obligations, encompassing various topics such as faculty development, teaching standards, research practices, and professional conduct. In an institution as complex and dynamic as UAB, well-defined policies and procedures empower our faculty to navigate varied responsibilities and opportunities.  Understanding and adhering to the provisions in this handbook ensures that our academic practices align with state and federal laws, UA System protocols, and accreditation requirements. It provides clarity on legal standards, protecting both faculty and the university. Clear expectations promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in each school, college, and unit across the enterprise. UAB's shared governance model allows faculty, individually and through their school representatives on the Faculty Senate, to engage in its principles and contribute to the decision-making processes that shape our institution. In the event of conflicts or grievances, the handbook delineates procedures for resolution, fostering a constructive and respectful environment for addressing concerns and maintaining collegiality.   As faculty members, your roles extend beyond the classroom and research lab. You are stewards of knowledge, mentors to future leaders, and contributors to our community's intellectual and cultural fabric. Embracing the principles outlined in the Faculty Handbook is fundamental to fulfilling these roles effectively. To maximize this resource, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the contents and seek clarification or guidance from relevant administrators or committees when interpreting or applying handbook policies.  Thank you for your continued service to the university, our students, and each other. Your commitment to student success, scholarly inquiry, and professional integrity is admirable and greatly appreciated. Together, we create an environment where learning thrives, ideas flourish, and innovation knows no bounds. I am honored to serve as your provost and look forward to working with you! Janet Woodruff-Borden, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost.


The provisions of the Faculty Handbook and Policies, known hereafter as the Faculty Handbook, apply to all faculty members, including those originally employed under the provisions of an earlier document, except in those unusual cases in which the application of a new provision will cause an arbitrary and unreasonable damage to, or loss of, any benefit to the faculty member.

Although this handbook intends to reflect current policies or rules of The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama, referred to or incorporated herein, users are cautioned that changes or additions to such policies, or rules may have become effective since the approval and publication of this material. In the event of such a conflict, the current statements of Board policy contained in the official minutes and manual of rules, bylaws, and guidelines shall prevail.

This Handbook is not the only document containing faculty-related and other policies of the University. Approved policies concerning UAB employees are also published in other handbooks and manuals such as the UAB Policies & Procedures Library and the You and UAB Handbook. Also, there may be older policies or recently approved policies which are not yet published in any manuals and which are not included in this document. This handbook should not be used as a sole indication of whether or not UAB has a policy covering a particular subject. If further clarification or information is needed concerning the existence of a specific policy, please contact the Office of the Provost.



The Faculty Handbook of the University of Alabama at Birmingham is issued by the President of the University of Alabama at Birmingham under the laws of the state of Alabama and the regulations of The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama. Section 16-47-34 of The Code of Alabama 1975 states in part:

The board of trustees has the power to organize the university by appointing a corps of instructors, who shall be styled the faculty of the university and such other officers as the interest of the university may require; to remove such instructors or officers, and to fix their salaries or compensation and increase or reduce the same at their discretion; to institute, regulate, alter or modify the government of the university, as they may deem advisable; to prescribe courses of instruction, rates of tuition, price of board, and regulate the necessary expenses of students; and to confer such degrees as are usually conferred by similar institutions. They may delegate to the faculty of the university, or other officers, such powers and functions in the government of the students, and in the administration of the affairs of the university, as they may deem proper…

Further, the Board of Trustees Bylaws, Article 5, Section 3, indicates:

…the President shall perform duties and responsibilities including but not limited to the following: …4. Personnel administration including employment and termination, wage determination, and conditions of employment for faculty and other employees of the campus.

Additionally, the Board of Trustees Board Rule 108 states:

Although the policies contained herein are intended to reflect current rules and policies of the University, users are cautioned that changes or additions may have become effective since the publication of this material. In the event of such a conflict, current statements of Board policy contained in the Bylaws, Rules, official minutes, and other pronouncements of the Board or Chancellor, or superseding law, shall prevail.

The UAB Faculty Handbook will be reviewed, and revisions will be recommended to the President, by the UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee of the Faculty Senate, after consultation with the faculty and appropriate faculty groups. Suggestions for changes to the Handbook should be directed to the Chair or members of the UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee. The UAB Faculty Handbook shall be reviewed and updated as needed. The UAB Provost will inform the UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee of any Board of Trustees rule changes that appear to be in conflict with the UAB Faculty Handbook.

This Handbook does not attempt to include all UAB policies. Employee policies which relate to faculty are contained in the Policies and Procedures Library and in the YOU and UAB Handbook. These UAB policies may be revised periodically, and changes to these policies may constitute a change to the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies. It is the responsibility of the UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee to review proposed Faculty Handbook and/or faculty policy changes and to make recommendations through the Faculty Senate to the President. It is the responsibility of the Provost to ensure that changes in policy approved by the President will be transmitted to each dean, department/unit head and distributed to the faculty.