1.02 Governance -Faculty Handbook   



UAB Faculty participation in Shared Governance in a Community of Learners

Effective Date: 8/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 8/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



1.2 Governance

The University of Alabama System is governed by a Board of Trustees. The System has a Chancellor and a full-time staff which provide liaison with the campus administrations for the Board and its various committees. Each campus has its own appropriate organization.

1.2.1 Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees Bylaws, Article I, Sections 1 and 2, state:
The Board consists of the Governor of the State of Alabama, ex-officio, who serves by virtue of the respective office, three members elected by the Board from the congressional district in which the Tuscaloosa campus is located, and two members elected by the Board from each of the other congressional districts in the State of Alabama as those districts were constituted on January 1, 2018. The Governor shall serve only while holding the office of Governor. Elected Trustees shall hold office for a term of six (6) years, commencing on the date of their election except as modified below. When the term of any Trustee shall expire, or in case of a vacancy by death or resignation of a Trustee, or from any other cause, the remaining Trustees shall elect a successor by secret ballot; provided, that any Trustee so elected shall hold office from the date of his election until his confirmation or rejection by the Senate, and, if confirmed, until the expiration of the term for which elected and until his successor is elected, or, in the case of a vacancy, for the unexpired term for which he was elected and until his successor is elected. If the Senate should reject the name of any Trustee, it shall thereupon elect Trustees in the stead of those rejected. Neither the existence nor continuation of a vacancy in the office of a Trustee shall serve to impair or hinder any provisions of these Bylaws or the validity of the operations and actions of the Board by virtue of that vacancy alone. A Trustee shall not serve more than three consecutive full six (6) year terms on the Board.
The Board has delegated to each campus President the authority to administer the policies and programs of that institution. A System Council, composed of the Chancellor and the three Presidents and selected members of the System staff, makes recommendations to the Board concerning matters affecting the common interests of The University of Alabama System. They also act on matters of intercampus significance not requiring Board approval.

1.2.2 The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is governed by its President in accordance with Board rules and System policies and was accredited as an independent educational institution in 1970 by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The accreditation was reaffirmed in 1984, 1994, 2005, and 2015. Individual schools and programs at UAB have been accredited, where appropriate, by independent accrediting groups.
UAB includes the following academic units [defined as schools, libraries, and colleges]:
  1. Collat School of Business
  2. College of Arts & Sciences
  3. Honors College
  4. School of Dentistry
  5. School of Education
  6. School of Engineering
  7. School of Health Professions
  8. Heersink School of Medicine
  9. School of Nursing
  10. School of Optometry
  11. School of Public Health
  12. The Graduate School
  13. UAB Libraries UAB Faculty Participation in Shared Governance in a Community of Learners

As reflected in the preamble of the UAB Faculty Senate Constitution, the principle of shared governance is essential for ensuring a culture of trust, collaboration, and mutual accountability. Faculty participation in governance promotes a diversity of ideas, collaboration, shared responsibility, collegiality, and institutional excellence.

Faculty shall have representation on committees/groups at the University and academic unit level that support the practice of shared governance. Refer to the Faculty Senate website then Documents for the Faculty Senate preamble, constitution and bylaws. Refer to UAB’s Policies and Procedures Library for a compilation of UAB policies, procedures and guidelines. Faculty Representation and Participation on University Committees

Certain University standing committees address issues related to the primary purpose and priorities of the University; these committees have a broad impact and are better informed by faculty representation. University committees for which the Faculty Senate should recommend representatives may include but are not limited to those listed on the UAB University-Wide Committees website. 

All University standing committees shall have written copies of their function and structure available for faculty. University ad-hoc committees that affect university faculty shall have faculty representation selected by the Faculty Senate. Faculty Representation and Participation on Academic Unit or Departmental Committees

Faculty participation on standing and ad hoc committees at the academic unit or departmental levels is critical to the mission and goals of the academic units and the University in teaching, research and scholarship. Forms of faculty governance will vary among units and should be regularly updated. Academic standing committees shall have written copies of their function and structure available for faculty. On ad hoc committees at the unit level, an appointing authority will communicate in writing to the committee chair and participating faculty members the purpose of the committee as well as an expected timeline for completion of the charge. Ad hoc groups or committees are meant to be time limited and dissolved upon completion of their charge. Faculty Participation in Evaluation of University and Academic Administrators Faculty Senate Evaluation of University and Academic Administrators

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee of the UAB Faculty Senate shares responsibility with the President and Provost for periodic evaluations of academic administrators (chairs and deans) and university administrators (the Provost and the President) by their constituents. The Senate evaluations shall be utilized by the immediate supervisor as a component of comprehensive reviews to assess performance of responsibilities. Within 120 days of distribution of results, all administrators who are evaluated will provide to the evaluating constituents, written and verbal feedback on the report including plans to address all major survey outcomes. 

Full- and part-time regular faculty members of the University have the right to participate in these Senate administrator evaluations. Faculty Participation in Administrator Evaluations Conducted at the Academic Unit or Departmental Level

All faculty members with a primary academic full-time or part-time appointment may also evaluate deans, associate or assistant deans, department chairs, or program directors/coordinators at an academic or departmental level independent of Faculty Senate evaluations (e.g., requirement of accreditation standards, achievement of strategic plans) if said administrators are not included in the Faculty Senate evaluations. These independent evaluations will be developed by faculty and administrators of the academic unit or department.