2.02 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes the rights and responsibilities of UAB faculty members upon accepting positions within the university.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



2.2 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

In accepting appointment to the faculty of UAB, faculty members commit to continuing professional development and assume an obligation for active involvement in teaching, scholarship, and/or service as defined by the nature of their appointments. Faculty members also accept the responsibility to respect the rights of students and other faculty, to maintain honesty and integrity, and to adhere to other stated policies and procedures of the institution. Faculty members have the right to ensure a safe teaching/learning environment without disruption as defined in Section V-F-2 of the Student Conduct Code. In addition to those responsibilities noted above, the responsibilities with respect to teaching, scholarship, and service and the specific rights and responsibilities described elsewhere in this Handbook, the faculty of UAB will be involved individually or through representative committees in specific UAB activities such as:

  • Determining requirements for student admissions
  • Recommending the designations of degrees
  • Approving the requirements for degrees
  • Determining the courses for which students may receive credit toward a degree
  • Determining course content
  • Determining program curriculum content
  • Determining the grades of courses and examinations
  • Determining the scholastic standards required of students
  • Recommending those students who qualify for degrees
  • Participating in disciplinary proceedings for academic misconduct
  • Participating in the selection of their department chairs, deans, Provost, and President
  • Participating in the periodic evaluation of their department chairs, deans, Provost, and President
  • Recommending to their deans regarding faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, the award of tenure, and other faculty employment issues
  • Advising all levels of administration regarding the allocation and utilization of resources
  • Advising the President and Provost regarding faculty responsibilities and needs or matters of general interest and concern to the faculty and to UAB.