2.19.1 UAB Grievance and Termination Hearing Panel - Faculy Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes the function and composition of the UAB Grievance and Termination Hearing Panel.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



2.19.1 UAB Grievance and Termination Hearing Panel

The UAB Grievance and Termination Hearing Panel shall be used as a panel from which to select a Grievance Committee, should one be needed and from which to select a Hearing Committee in the case of termination for cause of a tenured faculty member, as described in Appendix B, or in the case of termination due to a bona fide financial exigency, bona fide financial crisis, or academic program/ unit closure, as described in Appendix C. The panel shall consist of three faculty members elected from the UAB Libraries, each school and the Joint Health Sciences departments and nine elected faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences. To be eligible for service on this panel, faculty members must have tenure or, in the case of the UAB Libraries, must hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor in UAB Libraries. Members must not have significant administrative responsibilities. Only tenured faculty will be eligible to serve on Hearing Committees in the case of termination for cause of a tenured faculty member or termination of a tenured faculty member due to a bona fide financial exigency, bona fide financial crisis, or academic program/unit closure.

Panel members shall be elected every two years by the faculty of their respective schools, college, and UAB Libraries, in accordance with procedures adopted by each unit. The elections shall be coordinated by the appropriate dean who shall forward the names of elected faculty to the Provost. The Provost or their designee shall arrange those names in random order to create the panel from which Grievance or Hearing Committees shall be obtained.

Each Grievance Committee shall be made up of three members of the standing panel. Each Hearing Committee shall be made up of five tenured faculty members of the standing panel. The first Grievance or Hearing Committee of the biennium shall be made up from the first names on the randomly generated list of panel members. Panel members who are in line for service on a committee, but who do not serve for whatever reason, shall be the first called for service on the next committee.

Complete procedures for selecting a Grievance Committee and the role of that committee are described in this Handbook and in Appendix A. Complete procedures for selecting Hearing Committees and the duties of those committees are described in Appendices B and C.