2.20 Resignation - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes the expectations for resignation of a faculty member.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee


2.20 Resignation

Acceptance of a full-time or part-time regular faculty appointment is a commitment to the scheduled academic year. When circumstances do not permit the completion of such a commitment, UAB may agree to an earlier resignation with a written notice of not less than 30 calendar days, unless additional notice is stipulated by the faculty appointment. Advanced notice up to one semester is recommended to minimize impact on academic, research, and/or patient care programs. Failure to provide appropriate written notice may result in a faculty member being considered ineligible for future employment at UAB.

When a faculty member resigns, they will be paid through the last day worked and will be eligible for payment of all vacation accrued but not taken at the time of resignation up to the maximum terminal payout allowed under policy (HR Policy 605). UAB reserves the right to withhold terminal vacation pay under certain circumstances.

Vacation time and personal holidays may not be taken during the last pay period after termination notice has been given. Sick time may be granted after the termination notice has been given; however, the department reserves the right to require a physician’s certification before authorizing payment. Unused sick time and personal holidays will not be paid as terminal leave.

Prior to leaving UAB, the faculty member should complete an online exit survey and arrange for the conversion or transfer of benefits.

On the last day of employment or when designated by the department, faculty should return all UAB property to the appropriate areas.