2.21 Retirement - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes the expectations for resignation of a faculty member.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



2.21 Retirement

Retirement is defined as a termination of service from the University and eligibility to immediately receive retirement benefits under a plan of the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA) or other approved University retirement plan. There is no compulsory retirement age for faculty.  Current guidelines for retirement, including years of creditable service and age requirements, pre-planning guidance, health insurance, etc., may be found with the Retirement Systems of Alabama.

The UAB Human Resources Benefits Office provides UAB-specific guidance and aids the faculty member through the RSA retirement application procedures, including health insurance, and other benefit options. Faculty must retire on the first of a month and must submit application to the UAB Benefits Office between thirty to ninety days prior to the anticipated retirement date. The faculty member is responsible to set up the initial and follow-up appointments with the Benefits Office (205-934-3458) and to assure careful adherence to timelines.

Unused vacation and sick time and sick time are described in Section 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.

Faculty e-mail accounts are terminated after a three-month period following retirement, but retirees may be eligible to retain their ‘uab.edu’ email addresses associated with a Blazer ID through an indefinitely retained ‘forward’ to a personal email account (Blazer 4 Life).

Faculty retirees may be eligible to return to UAB employment while continuing to receive full retirement benefits under specific appointment and compensation limitations as well as compliance with the Revolving Door provisions of the Alabama Ethics Law. Retirees should consult with UAB Human Resources for specific guidance.