3.10 Copyright and Trademarks - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes conditions for copyright for work produced by UAB faculty.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



3.10 Copyright
and Trademarks

3.10.1 Copyright

         UAB is committed to complying with all applicable laws regarding copyright and has adopted a Copyright Policy for protection of original creative works by UAB faculty members such as books, movies, songs, paintings, photographs, web content, software, and choreography. Copyright in work produced by a faculty member, including distance learning work, that are considered University Assigned Works, Sponsor Supported Works, or University Assisted Works, have ownership defined within the Copyright Policy. If work produced by a faculty member on their own initiative does not meet the above classifications, then the work and any revenues derived from that work may be the exclusive property of the individual.
  • University Assigned Works are works produced by a faculty member while conducting their regular employment duties or if specifically directed or commissioned by UAB. A faculty member’s general obligation to produce scholarly or creative works does not constitute a University Assigned Work.
  • Sponsor Supported Works are works produced in whole or in part with the assistance of an outside sponsor through a grant or contract with UAB and are subject to the applicable provisions of the sponsorship agreement or terms of the grant.
  • University Assisted Works are works produced with substantial use of University resources. “Substantial use” of University resources generally refers to the use of personnel and physical resources beyond the ordinary use of UAB’s libraries, equipment or personnel. A determination of “substantial use” will be made by the Provost or their designee.
       “Shop rights” mean a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to reproduce, publicly perform or display or make derivative works of any copyrighted works, for educational or research purposes. Except for textbooks and articles published in scholarly journals, UAB shall have shop rights in work produced by faculty members on their own initiative which are not otherwise University Assigned Works, Sponsor Supported Works and/or University Assisted Works. Faculty members shall have shop rights to copyrighted works owned by the University which are University Assigned Works, Sponsor Supported Works and University Assisted Works provided such shop rights are not used in competition with the University during the individual’s employment with UAB or course of studies at UAB.

       Faculty members are not required to disclose works produced by their own initiative. However, for University Assigned Works, Sponsor Supported Works and University Assisted Works, the creator shall provide written disclosure of the work during its creation or immediately thereafter to their supervisor and to the Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

       UAB provides a resource website addressing copyright including Fair Use in an academic settings, as well as a Copyright FAQ that answers questions about copyright law as it affects faculty work.


      All trademarks used within the UAB enterprise and used in connection with the provision of goods and services by the UAB enterprise are owned by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama. Guidance on usage of trademark symbols is found in the UAB’s trademarks and licensing website.