4.01 Holidays - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook discusses the eight official holidays recognized by UAB and the additional three personal holidays available to UAB employees.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



4.1 Holidays

UAB recognizes nine designated paid holidays each year as described in HR Policy 302. UAB also recognizes three personal holidays for full-time regular faculty with twelve-month appointments and six personal holidays for full-time regular faculty with nine-month appointments. Personal holidays must be taken between July l and June 30 each year, and unused personal holidays will be forfeited. Personal holidays must be taken prior to notice of termination as they will not be paid as terminal leave or during the period of notice. Faculty members are not required to complete their initial six months of employment before being permitted to use personal holidays. For additional information, including holiday time for part-time regular and contingent employees, refer to Benefits and/or HR Policies and Procedures.


4.1.1 Time-off for faculty with nine-month appointments

Full-time regular faculty with nine-month appointments have time-off during academic breaks pursuant to the terms of their appointments. Academic breaks are defined as the period of May 15 to August 15, Fall Break, the period between fall and spring semesters, and Spring Break. During academic breaks faculty with nine-month appointments are not required to teach, conduct research, be on campus, or maintain communication with students or others at UAB. However, the period may be used for scholarly pursuit. Faculty members with nine-month appointments should expect that during academic breaks some responsibilities might arise that require communication with students or others at UAB or require their presence on campus. Such responsibilities should either be agreed in advance or be relatively infrequent and of an urgent nature.