Appendix E - FAQ - Best Practices for Promotion and Tenure   



This appendix is a compilation of best practices and suggestions for individuals seeking promotion and tenure at UAB and are summarized as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee


Appendix E
FAQ: Best Practices for Promotion & Tenure

This appendix is a compilation of best practices and suggestions for individuals seeking promotion and tenure at UAB and are summarized as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.


The "best practices" in this Appendix shall not be viewed as the "only allowable" practices, or as encouragement in a particular situation to diverge from the terms of the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies. Promotion and tenure practices are inherently discipline-specific and individual-specific. This Appendix is designed to be helpful in providing illustrative guidance across a variety of situations, but the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies and any other relevant official UAB policies supersede this Appendix in all cases. Further, this Appendix is not an official interpretation of such handbook or policies, nor are the suggestions in this Appendix official policies of UAB.


1.  What timelines should schools/college and departments consider for tenure and/or promotion relative to UAB Faculty Handbook Section 2.15.4? 

A tenure-earning period is defined as the duration of a tenure-earning appointment. This includes years to build academic merit and at least a year to submit for tenure review, and if tenure is not awarded, a terminal year prior to appointment termination.
  • For full-time faculty and depending on the academic unit, the maximum length of the tenure-earning period may be from 7 to 10 years. Part-time tenure-earning faculty should review timelines in
  • The start date of a tenure-earning period begins on the October 1st following the date of appointment.
  • Initiation of promotion and/or tenure cycle typically begins in November and concludes with approval by the Provost and announcement by the following August.
  • If tenure has not been awarded prior to the final submission year, the applicant for the tenure-earning appointment must submit application for tenure or for a tenure extension (2.15.5) in the final submission year.  A denial of tenure will serve as notification of the intent to terminate employment one calendar-year from date of the notification. Only under very exceptional circumstances will the award of tenure be considered in the terminal year (Section 2.15.4).
  • A favorable tenure-review decision and Provost approval results in appointment to a tenured faculty position.

I. Best Practice Benchmarks for Tenure-earning Periods

7-yr Maximum
10-yr Maximum
Years to build academic merit
Years 1-5
Years 1-8
Initial appointments to tenure track position is typically for 2 years. The applicant may apply for tenure during the period noted in the table, unless otherwise specified within the academic unit handbook.
Final submission year
Year 6
Year 9
Normally the final year for tenure review
  • If tenure has not be previously earned, must apply for tenure or request extension (Section 2.15.4).
Terminal year
Year 7
Year 10
Provided to applicants who are considered for but not awarded tenure during the final submission year.

2.     Can a faculty member apply for promotion and/or tenure more than once?

The UAB faculty handbook allows for this to occur. However, it is advisable not to apply for promotion and/or tenure unless the applicant's completed package is likely to be successful. Applicants should carefully consider pre-tenure recommendations made to them by P&T committees in the department or school/college as well as the department chair and others.
Note that a school/college or departmental handbook may restrict the number of times an individual can apply for tenure and the year(s) in which application can first be submitted.

3.     Can a faculty member apply for tenure review early?

Yes, unless otherwise specified within a school/college handbook. Seek advice of mentors and work with your chair to assure readiness.

4.     Should promotion and tenure be sought separately or at the same time?

There is no conclusive recommendation in the UAB Faculty Handbook. The answer to this question varies greatly based on individual circumstances, time of service requirements for rank (Sections 2.6.2-2.6.4), and specific guidelines within a school/college or department. Tenure can only be awarded to faculty who is at, or simultaneous with promotion to, the rank of Associate Professor or higher (Section 2.15.3). Tenure-earning Assistant Professors often simultaneously seek promotion with the award of tenure. However, a tenure-earning Assistant Professor may seek promotion prior to application for the award of tenure but may not apply for tenure without promotion (Section 2.15.3).

5.     What if the university and unit guidelines differ?

If in conflict, the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies takes precedence over school/college handbooks and these take precedence over departmental handbooks. Note, policies in a provost-approved school or dean approved departmental handbook may be more, but not less, restrictive than the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies.

II. Preparing While Building Academic Merit

6.     In addition to my chair, what other strategies are recommended for individualized guidance?

Create a mentorship committee of trusted advisors/mentors, if the department does not provide one.

  • Seek individuals with a positive outlook to gain useful perspectives.
  • Senior faculty with significant academic experiences may provide valuable guidance.
  • Current or past members of promotion and tenure committees may provide insight into how a department's/school's promotion and/or tenure committees assess the quality of evidence in P&T packages.
  • Faculty who recently went through the process are good resources for what worked or may not have worked.

7.     No one is telling me what I should be doing?

You must be your own advocate and accept responsibility for your own career development.

  • In your efforts, balance collaborations against demonstrating your independent value and contributions.
  • Talk to your chair or dean about forming a committee. They can offer good suggestions on how to go about it, if they have not already assigned you one.
  • Don't wait be told what to do, be proactive.

8.     What should I document?

Check with your unit's handbooks, but in general your P&T package must represent the sum of your work and achievements. You cannot submit documentation that you do not have. Therefore, thoroughly document activities in teaching, service, scholarly activity, and administration. The presentation, quality, and completeness of documentation is paramount.

  • Begin documentation (a portfolio) on day 1 of your academic career. In fact, you should have documented previous achievements already.
  • Some faculty activities may be non-traditional, without specific guidelines, and care must be taken to properly document them. If in doubt, talk with your chair or trusted senior faculty about how to document these activities. Also, remember that your letter of offer details your duties. Be sure to rigorously document how you are meeting these duties.
  • Document professional development, e.g., evidence of development in teaching, library service, committee membership, administrative activities, research, journal/grant reviewing, etc.

9.     My efforts in administration, teaching, or service inhibit my scholarly or research portfolio development.

Fostering a strong, supportive relationship with your chair is advantageous for your career development. Assigned effort may fulfill departmental needs but may not be optimal for your promotion and/or tenure. Therefore, work with your chair and/or mentoring committee if your assigned effort distribution, your goals for career advancement, and the requirements for promotion and tenure are not aligned.

  • Trusted mentors may provide additional guidance.


III. Beginning the Process

10.  I am ready to go up for promotion and/or tenure. Is there a recommended first step?

A best practice when applying for promotion and/or tenure is to provide a letter to your department chair to proactively make a case that you are ready for promotion and/or tenure. You should do this by summarizing your achievements. Rather than digging through a lengthy CV and other documents, you chair can utilize an accurate, concise summary as a readily-available source for the chair's letter of support or when the chair solicits external reviewers. Also, you should be reviewed by a mentoring or promotions and tenure committee annually. Be ready to talk informally to them and the chair about how your progress matches with your tenure goals.

A well-crafted summary gives you an opportunity to shape and highlight your accomplishments and successes. Do your own SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of where you are in progress toward promotion and tenure, as defined by your assigned duties and departmental/school handbook. It is useful to have a trusted advisor/mentor review the materials with you prior to submission to the chair.


IV. Application Content

11.  Can I be creative or customize a promotion and/or tenure application?

It is necessary to exactly follow the prescribed guidelines in the university and unit handbooks as well as the Provost's instructions thoroughly. Do not add unrequested items and definitely do not miss inclusion of a required item.

In some departments, e.g., Music or Art History, the artifacts that you present may be unique to that discipline. Talk to your chair and mentoring group about how to best present these. Also, talk to these individuals at the beginning of and throughout your career at UAB to consider how these unique artifacts should be gathered and presented.

12.  Should I have a strategy or style in mind when developing my documentation?

Assure all documentation of the promotion and/or tenure application is accurate, honest, and factual. Any error, embellishment, deception, or unsubstantiated material is detrimental and may result in significant adverse consequences.

  • In crafting any document for the promotion and/or tenure application, consider an institutional perspective of your value to the university mission. For example, how does this activity, goal, or effort fit with effectiveness in teaching, service, or scholarly activity?
  • The purpose of summarizing past achievements is not to document a historical record but to give a basis for prospective future performance. Promotion and tenure is not a reward for what you have done, but rather an investment in what the institution hopes you will do.
  • Provide context in your documents to aid a promotion and tenure committee if specific terminology in your field may convey an incorrect conclusion or lead to confusion.
  • Remember, the basis of promotion and tenure is your national prominence/excellence in your assigned duty areas and your ability to document that.

13.  How do I solicit letters from external reviewers?

You don't. Your Chair will contact external reviewers; however, you will likely be able to suggest potential reviewers to the chair. Do not include individuals with whom you have a close personal (non-professional) relationship. External letters from peer/aspirant institutions are preferable. The Chair will determine the number of letters to solicit, in line with handbook requirements (Section 2.10), and the Chair will use those that best represent your achievements. The faculty member should never see the letters.   

14.  What do I need to know about the quality of the documentation?

  • Assure all documentation of the promotion and/or tenure application is accurate, honest, and factual. Any error, embellishment, deception, or unsubstantiated material is detrimental and may result in significant adverse consequences.
  • Assure all documents are aligned without contradiction including dates, references, etc.
  • Assure documents are located in the correct sections of the package application.
  • Spelling, grammar, format, and style should be thoroughly vetted.
  • Consider asking a trusted mentor to review your documents to avoid errors or omissions.

15.  Are years of service sufficient in earning promotion and/or tenure?

Years of teaching, service, or other activities are not in and of themselves enough to earn promotion and/or tenure. Rather, you must document the effectiveness, sustained contributions, and high-quality professional activities to document your meeting the requirements outlined in your school/college/department handbooks.

16.  Are there specific recommendations for documenting teaching effort?

  • Scholarship in teaching is highly desired to demonstrate contributions to the academic world.
  • Documentation of teaching effectiveness should be collected in an ongoing portfolio. Collect documentation of teaching activity comprehensively from the beginning of the academic appointment. The portfolio can later be organized and refined to carefully select items appropriate for inclusion in your curriculum vitae, personal statement, etc.
  • Utilize resources such as the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning, which provides professional and support programs to encourage teaching effectiveness and innovation.

17.  Are there specific recommendations for documenting service effort?

  • Strive for opportunities to develop scholarship within academic service to enhance your credentials.
  • Effectiveness of service effort should be documented. If serving on a committee or group, seek to document individual contributions when possible. Do this as an ongoing activity, and perhaps ask committee chairs to send you an annual letter documenting the service.
  • When considering the balance between internal and external service, consider that higher ranks require recognition at the national and international levels (Sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4). See below.
  • For purposes of promotion and/or tenure, acting as course director is not considered as service but rather a part of teaching. However, the creation of a new course of studies may be considered service.
  • Non-professional, non-academic, or other service activities unrelated to your academic duties should generally not be included in documentation of your service activity. However, these may be effectively highlighted in a personal statement, and these should likely be used if they appreciably enhance the University or department.

18.  Are there specific recommendations for documenting scholarly effort?

  • Scholarly activities include any endeavor that increase the body of knowledge relative to a discipline or promotes effective dissemination of such knowledge. While research is the most common scholarly activity for UAB faculty, other forms of scholarly activity exist.
  • The overall quality of scholarly activities is more important than the total quantity.
  • National and international recognition is important.

19. How is scholarly activity defined?

Specific criteria for scholarly activity are defined within the faculty member’s academic unit handbook and, if applicable, departmental handbook. These criteria may be more, but not less, specific (2.11) than the University-level guidance (2.10.2). UAB broadly considers scholarly activity as creative work that is both peer-reviewed and disseminated. This scholarship may exist in many forms, incorporating activities of teaching and service, as is often exemplified in academia through modifications of the Boyer model (1990).

Scholarship Domain Elements reflected in the activity to be considered scholarly Example Activities
Discovery Development or advancement of new knowledge, technologies, or methods and is most often associated with, but not limited to, original research that enhances society.
  • Peer-reviewed publications
  • Creation of funded infrastructure for future studies
  • Producing/performing/presenting creative work
  • New approaches to knowledge generation or analysis of information
Integration Interpretation of knowledge for new insight through synthesis or connections across disciplines constructing new understanding or approaches to address societal challenges.
  • Interdisciplinary literature reviews, textbooks, or research
  • Collaboration for course design/delivery or interdisciplinary projects
  • Communicate and disseminate knowledge to assist in understanding or solving complex real-world problems
Application and Engagement Service applying knowledge beyond the university to the larger community (local, regional, national, global) with application of disciplinary expertise that is shared or evaluated by peers addressing societal and professional problems.
  • Leadership in professional organizations
  • Leadership and active participation in community engagement efforts that highlight the impact of UAB in Central Alabama and beyond (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, community urban garden developments, programs to elevate the performance of K-12 students, etc.)
  • Consultant service to industry or government
  • Incorporating research or problem-based learning to apply theory, confront complexities, and collaborate with external stakeholders
  • Translating knowledge into usable products and services
  • Academic advising / research mentoring
Teaching and Learning Systematic study of teaching and learning processes being made publicly available to reach students, scholars, or practitioners for optimal learning as well as opportunity for application and evaluation by others.
  • Advancing pedagogy through classroom research
  • Stimulating active learning and fostering critical thinking in learners
  • Developing instructional materials
  • Designing program-level assessments

This table of scholarly domains yields a broad range of academic activities across disciplines possible for UAB faculty. Some domains combine to yield further scholarly opportunity, such as the combination of Discovery and Integration resulting in translational research and engineering, or the combination of Integration and Engagement leading to collaborative practice models. These activities all involve creative, innovative, artistic, communicated, or peer-validated intellectual work that is a valued contribution in fulfilling the University’s mission.

The academic merit of scholarly activity must uphold the standards of rigor expected within the professoriate specific to the faculty member’s discipline. Such work in its diverse forms must be
  • based on a high level of professional expertise;
  • give evidence of originality;
  • documented and validated as through peer review, critique or validation by evidence of societal or disciplinary usage/benefit; or
  • communicated in appropriate ways so as to demonstrate significant current or future impact for the public and/or for the discipline itself.

Especially when non-traditional activities are used to document scholarship, it is important to relate the activity to the elements associated with the particular scholarship domain demonstrating aspects of peer-review and dissemination. For example, service as a leader in a professional organization in and of itself does not demonstrate scholarship of application and engagement without evidence of the elements defining that scholarship.

20. What is meant by “national recognition” for rank appointment or promotion?
Sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4 of the UAB Faculty Handbook and Policies describe the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor. The university-level guidance is broad to allow specific application within individual units. Both sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4 require “nationally recognized” activities for faculty promoted to these ranks. Similar to the promotion and tenure criteria in section 2.10, each unit defines the specific requirements to meet the criteria as appropriate to their disciplines. These criteria should be published within their unit’s faculty handbook, or in some instances, if appropriate, the departmental handbooks or promotion and tenure guidelines. If faculty tracks are used within the unit (e.g., clinical non-tenure-earning track, tenure-earning research-emphasis track, etc.), the unit’s promotion criteria may differ for each track. As always, the unit’s criteria may be more restrictive but not less restrictive than the university guidance.

Activities or accomplishments to meet the promotion criteria for “national recognition” or any other element may differ significantly between units. For example, “national recognition” for some units may include committee service within national (or international) organizations and/or recognition through external letters of recommendation from outside of Alabama. In other units, “national recognition” may require presentations, publications, research funding and service or other specifications appropriate to that discipline. While examples to meet criteria within a unit’s handbook are generally helpful, the FPPC recommends that all guidelines include cautionary language to clearly avoid the perception that the examples are exclusionary.

21. If a negative decision is rendered by the chair/dean, is there a recourse?

An appeal can be made to the dean/Provost, if an application is turned down at the unit/dean level, respectively (Section 2.17). However, you should first understand the reasons resulting in a negative decision before considering future actions. Reviewing this with your trusted advisor/mentor, and the chair/dean may be very useful. Waiting another year may be prudent, especially if you apply in the early years of your appointment.

22. How should innovation and entrepreneurial (I&E) activities be used as criteria for promotion and/or tenure?

UAB’s strategic mission encourages community engagement partnerships that advance economic prosperity and societal impact. Faculty innovation and entrepreneurial (I&E) activities, including development of intellectual properties (Section 3.9), are considered to be within normal academic undertakings, consistent with University policy, and can be used to develop academic merit. The following examples, not meant to be exhaustive, illustrate documentable academic effort associated with I&E activities.
  • I&E scholarly activities could include the development of intellectual property such as patents, copyrights (including software), trademarks, tangible property (e.g., cell lines, works of art), trade secrets, inventions, or novel products or procedures.
  • I&E teaching activities could include creation and/or incorporation of entrepreneurial curricular content; mentoring of students in commercialization, innovation, and entrepreneurial service; or connecting entrepreneurial subject matter to community education.
  • I&E service activities could include interactions with industry, government, non-profit organizations, foundations, service activities associated with community business incubators, small business promotion activities, or startup/spinout entities founded on specific University intellectual property.
Merit associated with I&E activities are held to the same rigorous standards as any other academic merit. Additionally, scholarship may be developed from the teaching and service I&E activities that demonstrate societal impact, solve complex real-world problems, or collaboratively cross disciplinary lines to drive economic development or community improvement. These may demonstrate scholarship of teaching and learning, scholarship of application and engagement, or scholarship of integration.

Assessment of effectiveness for promotion and/or award of tenure are similar to guidance shown for content/assessment in Appendix D for annual evaluation.

For the purposes of this Handbook, the following definitions are employed.
   Innovation - the introduction of new or significantly improved products (goods or services), processes, organizational methods, and marketing methods in internal business practices or the marketplace. Source: National Science Foundation.

   Entrepreneurial - having to do with the creation and development of economic ventures. Source: Merriam-Webster.

23. How should activities in support of UAB Shared Values be used as criteria for promotion and/or tenure?

UAB strongly supports Shared Values in all aspects of the UAB Enterprise. Activities associated with or in support of the Shared Values are not seen as separate from normal academic work and can be included in an accounting of academic merit. These activities should be construed broadly and acknowledge innovative ideas from dissimilar teams, cultures, and sources. The following provide some examples, that are not meant to be exhaustive, of such documentable academic effort.
  • Teaching activities may be reflected through inclusive teaching practices and learning environments with wide-ranging perspectives, multi-cultural content, pedagogy, study abroad, implementation principles of universal design, global perspectives, or curriculum/program development.
  • Academic advising or mentoring activities of students (current or prospective) or faculty who have faced challenging social, economic, educational, cultural or other life circumstances.
  • Engaging in scholarly activities (grants, publications, presentations, policy work, creative activities, or innovations) that explore the impact of wide-ranging perspectives and life experiences that improve the quality life for all people across diverse populations or address health disparities, or achieve health equity.
  • Service effort related to activities, such as outreach, recruitment, and retention of faculty, staff and students with wide-ranging life experiences and perspectives.
  • Administrative efforts in support of recruitment/retention of faculty/staff/teams with wide-ranging life experiences and perspectives, as well as awards, achievements, or recognitions for related work.
Merit associated with such activities is held to the same rigorous standards as any other academic merit. For example, faculty effort to support an inclusive classroom culture is consistent with UAB Shared Values, but such effort does not necessarily provide considerable academic merit for promotion and/or tenure. However, considerable academic merit for such inclusive activities could be built through development of inclusive classrooms protocols for other instructors or universities, professional presentations of the pedagogical protocols at national meetings, publication of inclusive pedagogical protocols in scholarly literature appropriate for the faculty member’s discipline, development of training and outcome measures for other instructors, or studies in educational outcomes. These examples demonstrate academic merit through scholarship of teaching and learning, scholarship of application and engagement, and/or scholarship of discovery.

24. How is effectiveness in teaching, scholarly activity, and service assessed?

Prediction of how submission package for promotion and/or award of tenure will be understood or assessed by a review committee, chair, dean or Provost is uncertain. However, the completeness and quality of documentation are essential. The metrics used for annual performance review (Appendix D, Section V) provide useful insight on how these areas could be assessed.

25. Can a decision of the Dean/Provost separate the promotion and tenure decisions?
Yes, the P&T committee, chair, or dean may request separation of the two and the Provost may determine that promotion should be awarded, but tenure is not yet warranted. If the Provost makes such a decision, the applicant may apply for tenure in subsequent years, in accordance with the requirements of tenure-earning timelines described above.

Selected References
Boyer EB. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. New York, NY. 1990. pp. 15-25.

Burnham, Joy J, et al. “Top 10 Strategies for Preparing the Annual Tenure and Promotion Dossier.” Faculty Focus - Higher Ed Teaching & Learning, 26 Apr. 2016,

Franz, Nancy K. “Tips for Constructing a Promotion and Tenure Dossier That Documents Engaged Scholarship Endeavors.” Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, vol. 15, no. 3, 2011, p. 15.