Reinstatement of Service Date - HR Policy 413   



This policy identifies circumstances under which individuals may retain their original service date upon being rehired.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012


Review/Revised Date: 3/1/2023


Category: Human Resources


Policy Owner: CHRO

Policy Contact: Executive Director Human Resources - Records Administration



413.A Voluntary Termination

Full-time regular or part-time regular faculty and staff employees who voluntarily terminate employment with UAB and are reinstated within 60 calendar days following separation may, under certain conditions, have their original service date reinstated and will accrue benefits based on the number of years of service at the time of termination.  If applicable, unused accrued sick time will be reinstated, and unused personal holidays will be reinstated unless a new accrual period has begun. Vacation time paid at the time of termination will not be reinstated. An employee is not eligible for reinstatement of the original service date if he or she has withdrawn his or her TRS retirement prior to rehire. 
The employee should send a reinstatement request for approval to HR Talent Performance & Relations within 30 days from the employee's rehire date.  
Employees who have their service date reinstated after a voluntary termination of employment and are hired into a new position will serve a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period, which does not affect access to benefit eligibility.

413.B Loss of Funding/Displacement

Full-time or part-time regular faculty and staff employees terminated due to economic conditions, loss of funding, or departmental reorganization may have their original service date reinstated if they are rehired at UAB within 180 days from date of termination.  The affected employee must contact HR Talent Performance & Relations within 30 days of being re-hired to request their credited service date be reinstated.  Accrued sick time and unused personal holidays will be reinstated in accordance with the policy for voluntary termination.  Vacation time paid at the time of termination will not be reinstated.  An employee is not eligible for reinstatement of the original service date if the employee has withdrawn their TRS retirement prior to rehire.  
Displaced staff employees who have their service date reinstated and are hired into a new position will serve a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period, which does not affect access to benefit eligibility.

413.C Other

Other exceptional situations will be reviewed on an individual basis and a determination will be made by the Chief Human Resources Officer for UAB as to the appropriateness of service date reinstatement.

Relevant Policies

Service Dates- HR Policy 412

Severance Policy

Date Issued: 08/83