INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy is to ensure that The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and the UAB community acquire and operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) efficiently, safely, ethically, and in adherence to applicable laws and regulations in a productive manner that meets institutional responsibilities. This policy discusses the use and operation of UAS that is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and relevant state laws. SCOPE This policy applies to all members of the University community, including students, employees, contractors, vendors, volunteers, and visitors to campus, whether they are guests or patrons. DEFINITIONS Unmanned Aircraft: An aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft. Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS): An unmanned aircraft and associated elements (including communication links and the components that control the unmanned aircraft) that are required for the pilot in command to operate safely and efficiently in the national airspace system. Drone: An unmanned aircraft system. FAA: Federal Aviation Administration, the federal government agency with the authority to regulate all aspects of civil aviation. POLICY STATEMENT General Terms
- UAB campus airspace is registered under the FAA as a “no fly zone” for recreational/hobbyist UAS use.
- All operators of UAS must comply with the regulatory requirements set forth by the FAA and any other entity with legal authority over UAS possession or operation.
- It is the responsibility of the UAS operator to ensure that all applicable UAB policies and relevant laws and regulations are satisfied during operation of the UAS.
- UAS operators must register their UAS with the EHS Campus Safety Office and in accordance with FAA requirements.
- All flight plans must be coordinated through the EHS Campus Safety Office before each flight. The flight plan must note the proposed flight time and flight path.
- Requests for UAS usage will be used by EHS to coordinate with appropriate UAB departments to ensure on and off campus flights follow FAA regulations and align with UAB policies.
- The University will deny any UAS request that does not comply with applicable laws and regulations or is otherwise inconsistent with University policy. Additionally, UAS requests may be denied if the proposed flight:
- Interferes with any University activity or program;
- Poses a safety, security or privacy risk to the university community or property; or
- Interferes with the University’s mission.
- Any UAS operator who captures photos or video footage for use in marketing or media materials is required to obtain approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications prior to using the photos or video footage for such purpose.
University-Owned Unmanned Aircraft System (UASs) University employees or students may be permitted to operate a University-owned UAS as part of their University employment or academic education. Such UAS operation must be in conjunction with research, teaching, or testing, or part of an authorized University program, initiative, or project on UAB property. - All University-owned UAS must be registered and maintain current records with EHS Campus Safety. Registration requires:
- proper license as required by FAA;
- UAB UAS Authorization Form; and
- A complete and accurate list of licensed operators.
- The purchase of a University-owned UAS (or the parts to assemble a UAS) requires coordination from the EHS Campus Safety Office. Operators must initiate the request and approval process through the UAS Request form. EHS’s review documentation must accompany any official request to purchase UAS, via requisition or purchasing card. Approval to purchase a University-owned UAS does not constitute approval to fly the UAS.
Non-University-owned UAS operation is restricted to that which: - Meets the University’s educational mission; or
- Serves the University’s business needs.
Operators must contact the EHS Campus Safety Office at least three (3) days in advance of the desired flight time to request and obtain UAB UAS Usage Approval and Permit. Contractors or media: Persons doing business with the University and planning to operate a UAS as part of a University initiative, program, or project may be permitted to operate a UAS on UAB property. Recognized Student Organizations: Recognized student organizations may be permitted to operate a UAS as part of a University initiative or program on UAB property, provided they have been approved by and are in good standing with the Division of Student Affairs. All other entities: Other entities that do not necessarily fall into the above categories will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All approved UAB UAS Flight Permits are for a specific time and a specific location to ensure that multiple UAS are not sharing airspace. Operators are required to maintain UAB UAS Flight Permits for inspection at all times during the permitted flight. Non-University-Owned UASs that will not be permitted to fly at UAB Recreational Use and Hobbyists: Recreational use of UAS is not permitted on University property, even if “hobby” use is legal under state and federal rules. UAB campus airspace is registered under the FAA as a “no fly zone” for recreational/hobbyist UAS use. UAS Operation All operators of UASs are expected to comply with applicable laws and regulations put forth by the FAA and any other entity with legal authority over UAS regulation. Provisions include, but are not limited to: - Contact Air Traffic Control for flight approval prior to an on-campus flight operation
- No flying over unprotected people (Note: this severely limits UAS flights on campus)
- No flying above FAA posted ceiling for the flight area
- No flying outside daytime hours, defined as 30 minutes before official sunrise to 30 minutes after official sunset
- No flying in an unsafe manner
- No flying beyond the operator’s ability to see the aircraft
- No flying while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- No flying in a manner that interferes with air traffic
- No flying close to another aircraft as to create a collision hazard
- No flying, recording, or photography where an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy (Ala. Code 13A-11-32 (a) and Ala. Code 13A-11-34)
- All UAS flights should cease immediately when manned aircraft are approaching vicinity (e.g., local helipads)
- Any incidents, accidents, or injuries associated with the use or flight of a UAS should be reported to the FAA and the University through EHS Campus Safety Office or UAB Police & Public Safety according to established policies and procedures.
- Notify UAB Police & Public Safety (205-934-4434) for any incidents on UAB property so a report can be filed.
- Notify the appropriate law enforcement agency for incidents that occur off UAB property for reporting purposes.
- On the job injuries should be submitted using the On-the-Job injury form.
NONCOMPLIANCE Individuals who are operating a UAS on or above UAB’s campus without approval from the FAA and EHS Campus Safety are in violation of University policy. Confirmed violations of this policy will result in appropriate consequences commensurate with the offense, including, but not limited to, removal from campus and issuance of a trespass citation, up to and including termination of employment, appointment, student status or other relationships with UAB. Violations of local, state, and federal laws and regulations may result in regulatory and criminal penalties. IMPLEMENTATION The Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, through UAB EHS Campus Safety is responsible for procedures to implement this policy. Related Policies UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct Related Resources Video Guidelines Federal Aviation Administration |