Hiring Individuals with Disabilities - HR Policy 126   



This policy details UAB's efforts to hire individuals with disabilities.

Effective Date: 09/1/2018


Review/Revised Date: 8/8/2022


Category: Human Resources


Policy Owner: CHRO

Policy Contact: Executive Director Human Resources - Employment



UAB makes an affirmative effort to hire and retain individuals with disabilities.

UAB's AWARE Program (Always Working to Advocate, Retain, & Employ) actively works to recruit qualified applicants with disabilities for a wide range of positions at UAB. The AWARE program partners with a variety of agencies and organizations, training programs, and schools to recruit qualified applicants with disabilities. UAB also participates in job fairs dedicated to persons with disabilities.

The AWARE staff is available to provide assistance to job seekers with disabilities going through the application process. They work closely with UAB HR Talent Acquisition to assist with referrals.  UAB HR Talent Acquisition, Temporary Services, and Hospital Human Resources will review applications and refer qualified applicants to the hiring departments.   

Requests for reasonable accommodations, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are coordinated through the AWARE Program.  The AWARE staff may collaborate with external partners to coordinate job assessments, make recommendations, and assist with installation of assistive technology.

Date Issued: 10/80