Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance - HR Policy 307   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



UAB provides accidental death and dismemberment insurance for all full-time regular employees, 3/12 hour shift employees, weekend staff, full-time temporary employees, postdoctoral employees, and trainees, interns and residents as well as alternative schedules (32 hours or more and 10 month employees). This insurance provides coverage of $22,500. The total premium cost is paid by UAB.

For those eligible employees desiring additional coverage, voluntary group accident insurance is available which will also cover spouses and dependent children. The total premium cost for this coverage is paid by the employee.

POLICY 307.A UAB-paid Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

All regular full-time employees, 3/12 hour shift employees, weekend staff, full-time temporary employees, postdoctoral employees and trainees, interns and residents are covered by a $22,500 accidental death and dismemberment insurance policy effective on the date of regular employment.  This coverage may provide a benefit in the event of death or dismemberment as a result of a covered accident.

The beneficiaries designated for this coverage are the same as those named in the UAB-paid Group Life Insurance unless otherwise indicated by the employee.


POLICY 307.B Voluntary Group Accident Insurance (OPTIONAL)

All full-time regular, 3/12 hour shift employees, weekend staff, full-time temporary, part-time regular, postdoctoral employees, interns and residents, as well as alternative schedules (32 hours or more and 10 month employees) are given an opportunity to participate in the voluntary accidental death and dismemberment plan. Coverage up to $500,000 is available, and covered employees may purchase insurance on spouses and eligible children. The entire premium cost for this insurance is paid by the employee.

Employees are eligible to join this plan within the first 31 days from the date of employment. Otherwise, you may join during an announced annual open enrollment period.

Information concerning the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance  program is available from the Benefits Office.

Date Issued: 10/80