Employee Photo Identification Badge/ONE Card - HR Policy 316   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]




In order to be properly recognized as a member of the UAB workforce, all employees of UAB are issued a photo identification badge called a "ONE Card." In addition to serving as identification, the ONE Card may provide access to buildings and other secured areas on campus. Building or facility access is assigned based on job responsibilities.  The ONE Card is also required identification for use of certain UAB facilities or resources, such as libraries, and for discounts available at the cafeterias and special events. 

To help ensure the safety and security of students, employees, patients, and visitors, all faculty and staff are required to wear their ONE Card in plain view while on campus.  UAB Hospital employees must wear their ONE Card in accordance with the Hospital's Personal Appearance, Dress Code and Uniforms policy.  

UAB identification badges, to include facility access cards, must reflect an individual's current employment information and may be used only by the individual to whom it was issued.  Employees may not loan their identification badge to anyone for any reason.  Employees with access to a building or facility must not allow others who do not have approval to follow them in or gain access.   

Violations of this policy may result in progressive discipline up to and including dismissal.