ACT Document Processing - HR Procedure 402   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]


All ACT documents should be submitted and processed in a timely manner with the appropriate documentation to support the action. 
HR Records Administration is responsible for the review and approval of various types of personnel transactions by means of the electronic ACT (Appointment, Change and Terminate) Document.
ACT documents must be initiated and submitted into workflow on or before the effective date of the document.  The standard expectation is that an ACT document is submitted as soon as a unit/department is aware of a pending action.  For the purposes of this policy, "timeliness" will be defined as 10 business days prior to the effective date of the document (absent extenuating circumstances).  Within 10 business days of the effective date of the ACT document, the document should be in a complete status and all subsequent processes initiated.
Every effort is made by HR Records Administration staff to expedite the processing of each ACT document in order to meet deadlines established by Payroll Services. Data integrity is essential in the processing of ACT documents, as is a thorough understanding of the effect of the transaction taking place. Late processing, corrections to inaccurate data, or clarification of incomplete data is time consuming and costly. These delays may also inconvenience employees or the employing department.


HR Records Administration requires supporting documentation for certain types of ACT documents; these documents are referred to as "attachments".
Each attachment should be reviewed for correctness before it leaves the initiating department. Any changes made to an attachment should be initialed by the person making the change.  Attachments should be delivered to HR Records Administration by uploading them to the HR attachment system .  All required attachments associated with the ACT document are scanned into the official file.


Appropriate ACT training classes should be attended prior to the initiation of an ACT document.   Available classes may be accessed here

For a complete listing of required attachments and general guidelines on creating and processing ACT Documents please refer to: Using the Human Resource Applications.

Date Issued: 10/80