Inspection of Individual Personnel Files - HR Policy 409   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



Inspection of an individual's personnel file is limited to the individual (active employees only) and to staff in Human Resources who have a right to view, or know, the information. In certain situations, it may be necessary to provide access to the file to someone from outside Human Resources.

409.A - Current Employees

A current employee may view his/her personnel file upon request. A twenty-four hour notice is required and a photo ID must be presented upon viewing. The review will be held in the HR Records Administration Office. The employee may make notes and for a nominal fee copies of documents can be provided. Authorization to add a document to file must be obtained from the management of HR Records Administration.

409.B - Former Employees 

Since the individual personnel files are the property of UAB and former employees no longer have a relationship with the University, permission to review the personnel file is not accorded. However, a former employee may request a copy of the file. A security deposit is required before the process can begin and there will be an additional charge per page. All former employees seeking permission to review their files should be referred to HR Records Administration.

409.C - Others Who May Access Personnel Records

Occasionally, other UAB staff members have a legitimate need to review an individual's personnel file to include but not limited to staff in various areas of Human Resources.  Permission to review personnel files may also be granted on a need-to-know basis to certain individuals who are not Human Resources staff. The decision to grant permission to requestors outside of Human Resource will be made by the management of HR Records Administration.

Supervisors who are considering transfer applicants occasionally request permission to review an individual's file. Those supervisors are referred to the employment representative handling the transfer for access to the information needed. Supervisors who wish to review the file of one of their employees are referred to the management of HR Records Administration for permission.

Date Issued: 10/80