Voluntary Retirement Programs - HR Policy 311   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



UAB Employees

Eligible full-time exempt employees or exempt alternative schedule (32 hours or more or 10 month employees) of UAB may participate in the University's 403(b) retirement plan. Under this plan, eligible employees may contribute up to 5 percent of their gross salary, and the University will match their contributions up to 5% of gross monthly pay not to exceed the IRS 401(a) annual compensation limit.
Nonexempt employees may contribute on an unmatched basis.

All contributions are vested to the individual immediately. However, there are limitations on contribution withdrawals. Contributions are made on a tax-deferred or after-tax basis.
UAB also offers a voluntary 457(b) plan. There are no University matching contributions under this plan.


LLC Employees

Eligible full-time and part-time regular, twelve hour shift and weekend staff employees are eligible to participate in the LLC 403(b) retirement plan.  Employees are vested after 3 years of employment with the LLC. The Hospital matches the individual's contributions up to 5% of gross monthly pay not to exceed the IRS 401(a) annual compensation limit.

Date Issued: 10/80