Vacation, Sick Time and Personal Holiday Records - HR Policy 406   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



Accrual reports are made available in UAB Report Viewer for each department every pay period. This report includes nonexempt employee accrual balances for vacation, sick time and personal holidays. These reports should be reviewed as they are received. Any questions or discrepancies should be investigated immediately.

Current balances for employees are available through UAB Tracking Systems.

Employees should contact their supervisors for information concerning discrepancies in their vacation/sick time or personal holiday balances. If supervisors have questions about accruals, they may contact HR Records Administration at 4-4408.

Once time is reported as either vacation or personal holiday, it cannot be switched from one to the other without a supervisor's approval.

Non-exempt Employees
When a non-exempt employee reaches their two-year maximum vacation accrual, excess vacation accruals will be transferred to sick time.

Exempt Employees
Vacation, Sick time and Personal Holiday records for exempt employees are maintained in the Electronic Leave Accrual System by each department. An Org Admin is responsible for monitoring leave requests and approvals.

On January 15 of each year, excess vacation over the two year maximum allowed for exempt employees will be transferred to sick time programmatically.

Relevant Policies

Vacation-HR Policy 301

Holidays-HR Policy 302

Sick Time-HR Policy 303


Date Issued: 10/80