On-Call Pay - HR Policy 205   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



An employee defined as being "on-call" is currently not engaged in work; however, is required to be available to return to work. The employee must be within thirty minutes of their work environment and must be available for contact by telephone and/or pager.

An employee should not receive payment for hours worked and on-call pay for the same hours. Once an employee reports to work, on-call pay stops. Since it is presumed that the employee would be unable to report to work when ill, an employee should not receive on-call pay at the same time they are receiving sick pay. The total hours paid plus the on-call hours may not exceed 24 hours in a given day except in the case of a designated holiday or in the event an employee is required to remain on call while on paid leave for vacation or personal holiday. In such cases, the total hours payable could possibly exceed 24 (e.g., 8 hours holiday and a maximum of 24 hours on call totaling 32 hours.) This example assumes the employee is full time, eligible for holiday pay, and was required to be on call the entire 24 hour designated holiday period but was not required to report to work.

Non-exempt employees who are placed on-call receive a set rate that is defined by HR Compensation. For each call-in the employee will be paid at the regular rate of pay for a minimum of two (2)  hours or the actual time worked, whichever is greater. Non-exempt employees who have worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week will be paid at the overtime rate.

Date Issued: 10/80