Severe Weather Pay Plan for Hospital - HR Procedure 206   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



During a standby alert or full alert of the Hospital Severe Weather Plan hospital employees may be placed on "standby" or "24-hour duty". Placing an employee on either pay policy will be determined by the circumstances the hospital faces in meeting patient care demands at the time.

POLICY 206.A - Standby

"Standby" is defined as requiring a hospital employee to remain on the premises, during a period of bad weather that is other than the employee's normal working hours. The employee must be immediately available for any emergency situation that may arise at the hospital. The decision to place an employee on "standby" is made by the employee's supervisor or department head and requires the approval of Hospital Administration.

Nonexempt employees on standby will be paid at the on-call rate for the event. If scheduled work hours and standby hours are greater than 40 in the work week, all hours greater than 40 will be paid at the overtime rate.

POLICY 206.B 24 - Hour Duty

The term "24-hour duty" is defined as requiring a hospital employee to be on duty for 24 hours or more. While the employee is on duty, normal meal breaks and sleep time, not more than 8 hours, will be excluded from hours worked. Additionally, the employee must remain on the hospital premises. The decision to place an employee on "24-hour duty" is made by the employee's supervisor or department head and requires the approval from Hospital Administration.

Every effort will be made to provide the employee with an uninterrupted sleep time of at least 5 hours. If the sleep time is interrupted by a call back to work, the interruption must be counted as hours worked. If the sleep time is interrupted to a point that the employee cannot obtain at least 5 hours of sleep, the entire period must be counted as hours worked. Adequate sleeping facilities will be provided for all employees placed on "24-hour duty". All hours worked for employees on "24-hour duty" will be reported as regular hours or overtime for hours greater than 40 in the work week.

Date Issued: 10/80