Time Tracking and Recordkeeping - HR Policy 208   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



Departments are required to use the UAB approved timekeeping system for the final submission of time. Time records are the basic source of information for payroll purposes; therefore, time worked must be reflected accurately. Falsification of time or unauthorized submission is a serious offense and may result in termination. Time records are required to be approved by supervisors, managers, or time editors for accuracy and completeness.

Supervisors and employees share the responsibility of ensuring work time is recorded accurately. Employees must accurately report time and make supervisors aware when problems arise. Supervisors are responsible for proper adherence to all policies, including but not limited time tracking and record keeping.


For Campus Kronos users, employees should certify and approve their time prior to manager's approval. Failure to certify and approve the time record does not prevent the time from paying. However, the appropriate administration is notified of time records not approved for failing to comply with this policy.
All non-exempt employees (including any nonexempt employee who works remotely with internet access) should punch (badge) in/out using the UAB approved timekeeping system. Employees are not allowed to work “off the clock” or work voluntarily. Employees must be compensated for all time worked. Non-exempt employees who are required to travel to locations with no access to the internet should communicate with their supervisor or department, record their time (e.g., paper timesheet) and submit to their supervisors; the supervisors should then enter the time into the timekeeping system.
  • In order to be paid for the full shift, UAB non-exempt employees must record time in and out within seven minutes of shift begin and end times. 
  • Hospital employees must record time in and out within seven minutes of shift begin and end times.
These statements refer to the method of pay computation and do not imply permission to be up to seven minutes late or to leave seven minutes early.

Date Issued: 10/80