Bicycle and Other Wheeled Mobility Devices Policy   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]




UAB is committed to creating and maintaining a culture of sustainability and accessibility in which faculty, staff, students, and visitors have institutional support for all mobility modes, both for commuting and on-campus transportation. Biking and other wheeled mobility devices can improve health and reduce transportation costs for individuals, as well as decrease parking pressure and emissions in the city center. Promoting alternative modes of transportation serves to advance strategic goals for sustainability and community health.  This commitment also bolsters UAB’s competitiveness in successful recruitment and retention of talented faculty, staff, and students. However, the increased presence of bikes and other mobility devices inside and outdoors has the potential to contribute to life safety issues. This policy strives to balance support for various forms of wheeled mobility with safety and accessibility for all UAB community members and visitors by establishing requirements for use and storage and promoting awareness of resources and infrastructure. 


This policy applies to all UAB faculty, staff, students, patients, and visitors operating bicycles, electric bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller and in-line skates, and electric personal assistive mobility devices within the boundaries of the UAB campus.
This policy does not address wheelchairs or other medically necessary mobility equipment, since these are accepted as needed at UAB. With exception of devices meeting the more specific definition of an electric bicycle or electric scooter, this policy does not address motorcycles, mopeds or other motor-driven cycles, as since these are considered motor vehicles and must abide by the relevant Alabama State Code.  


Acrobatics - any action on roller blades, in-line skates, bicycles, skateboards, or any other mobility device to which this policy applies in which both blades, skates, or wheels are off the ground simultaneously, or where the device is being used in a manner not consistent with normal transportation. 
Bicycle - a two-wheeled pedal cycle designed to be propelled solely by human power. Also, tricycle and unicycle are considered synonymous for the purpose of this policy. 

Electric Bicycle: a bicycle equipped with fully operable pedals, a saddle or seat for the rider, and an electric motor that meets the requirements of one of the following three classes:
  1. Class 1 electric bicycle means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour (mph).
  2. Class 2 electric bicycle means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 mph.
  3. Class 3 electric bicycle means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 mph.
Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (EPAMDs): an electric, self-balancing, non-tandem two-wheeled or one-wheeled device with an electric propulsion system designed to transport only one person (e.g., Segway, hoverboard, electric unicycle, etc.). An EPAMD should have a maximum speed on a paved level surface, when powered solely by the propulsion system while ridden by an operator who weighs 170 pounds or less, of less than 20 mph.  This term shall not include electric scooters, electric skateboards, or electric bicycles.
Electric Scooter:
a narrow platform device mounted on tandem wheels weighing less than 100 pounds that has a handle or handlebars to steer and an electric motor, is solely powered by the electric motor or with human power, and should have a maximum speed of no more than 20 mph on a paved level surface when powered solely by the electric motor. This term shall not include electric bicycles, EPAMDs, electric bicycles, electric skateboards, or motorcycles.
In-Line Skates - a type of roller skate with in-line tandem wheels.
Roller Skate - a shoe, or attachment for a shoe, with a set of wheels attached for skating.
Scooter: a narrow platform mounted on tandem wheels with a handle or handlebars to steer by turning the from wheel, non-motorized.

Shared Micromobility Device: a type of transportation device that includes a bicycle, electric bicycle, tricycle, scooter, electric scooter, hoverboard, skateboard, or similar device - except a personal assistive mobility device by an individual with disabilities - used in a shared micromobility system.

Shared Micromobility System: a system that provides shared micromobility devices to users for short-term rentals, whether or not the system requires docking stations or other similar fixed infrastructure to receive or return the shared micromobility device.
Sidewalk: that portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, intended for use by pedestrians.
Skateboard: a board of any length mounted on roller skate-type tandem wheels and which may or may not be equipped with an electric motor. 


UAB community members and visitors using and storing bicycles and other wheeled mobility devices must adhere at all times to the following standards.



All Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, and Electric Scooters, including any being operated as shared micromobility devices, must be operated and parked in accordance with local, state, and UAB campus regulations including Section 32-5A Articles 12-13 and Section 32-19-2 of the Code of Alabama and the City of Birmingham Ordinance No. 20-24 ,while within the boundaries of the UAB campus. Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, and Electric Scooters may be ridden on roads and on wide, multi-use paths (10ft or wider) where the rider exercises due caution and yields to pedestrians. Police Bike Patrols may operate on University walkways for routine patrol duties or when responding to incidences and emergencies. . Proper safety equipment is expected to be worn at all times, including a helmet meeting ANSI/ASTM standards and nighttime lighting/reflectors. Individuals shall not wear or use headphones/earphones or cell phones while operating a Bicycle, Electric Bicycle, or Electric Scooter.
Because UAB is an open campus, bicycle, electric bicycle, or electric scooter registration is not mandatory. However, personalization and voluntary, free UAB registration is encouraged in the event of theft or impoundment. Registration is offered during normal business hours at UAB Transportation.
Parking outdoors: Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, and Electric Scooters may only be parked in areas clearly designated for storage of such devices and should not be parked in any manner that would limit the accessibility of sidewalks, buildings, emergency exits, streets, cross-walk buttons, stairs, doors, ramps, curb cuts, turf or flowerbeds. Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, and Electric Scooters may not be parked on lawn areas, shrub or flower beds, streets, or driveways. This includes sidewalks, trees, railings, light poles, entrances to buildings, or places that otherwise hinder pedestrian travel.
Parking indoors: Bicycles may not be transported through or stored within private offices in buildings that offer patient care (e.g., hospitals or clinics) except by UAB police. In all other buildings, transportation and storage of Bicycles in private offices is acceptable. Bicycles must be carried while within buildings, as feasible, to reduce floor soiling.  Bicycles may not be stored in public spaces within any building, including entryways, stairwells, corridors, mechanical rooms, or storage closets.

Electric Bicycles and Electric Scooters are not permitted in any campus buildings.

Individuals without private offices or who work within patient care buildings wishing to store Bicycles, or individuals wishing to store Electric Scooters, or Electric Bicycles should review the designated storage locations on the UAB campus for direction.
Securing Bicycles using a U-lock around a closed section of the Bicycle frame is strongly recommended. A cable lock is also recommended to secure both wheels, though the cable lock should always be a secondary lock as these are easily cut.


All EPAMDs (e.g., Segways, hoverboards, electric unicycles, etc.) must be operated in accordance with local, state, and UAB campus regulations, including Section 32-19-1 of the Code of Alabama.
Riding EPAMDs inside buildings is prohibited except by UAB police, UAB Facilities staff, and individuals with disabilities who have been approved a reasonable accommodation for a documented need for use of the device. EPAMDs shall be stored in areas that do not block egress or ADA paths. They are not permitted to be stored in building public spaces, such as lobbies, stairwells, stair towers, corridors, and ramps inside or outside of buildings. EPAMDs may be walked inside buildings to approved and designated storage and/or charging areas, to be determined by the building administrator.
Individuals with disabilities who have been approved a reasonable accommodation for a documented need are permitted to use EPAMDs inside buildings. UAB considers requests of any faculty, student, or staff member wanting to use an EPAMD inside of buildings as a request for a accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As such, the person is required to provide appropriate documentation that he/she has a disability that requires the use of an EPAMD for mobility inside of buildings. For students, this request is placed with Disability Support Services. For faculty and staff, this request is placed with the respective Human Resources representative.
Persons so approved shall operate EPAMDs at a speed that is reasonable and prudent under current conditions in building interiors, having regard for actual and potential hazards, particularly for pedestrians. During non-daylight hours, EPAMDs shall be equipped with adequate lighting and reflectors. Helmets meeting ANSI/ASTM standards are recommended. Individuals shall not wear or use headphones/earphones or cell phones while operating an EPAMD.
Hoverboards shall not be used, stored, or recharged in any building or covered structures (parking decks) owned or leased by UAB, see the notice from UAB Occupational and Health Safety.
Registration is not required for EPAMDs by the state of Alabama or by UAB, unless a reasonable accommodation is required by individuals with disabilities for indoor use.


Skateboards (with or without electric motor), in-line/roller skates, scooters, and similar coasting devices are not vehicles and are prohibited to be used on roadways and inside buildings, though they may be stored in private spaces and carried within buildings. Persons on such devices are pedestrians for traffic control purposes. Persons may coast or ride upon such devices on sidewalks given that the operator exercises due caution and yields to pedestrians. No acrobatics of any kind are permitted. Individuals shall not wear or use headphones/earphones or cell phones while operating these devices, unless a reasonable accommodation is required by individuals with disabilities for use of assistive technology. 
Registration is not required for skateboards, scooters, in-line/roller skates, hoverboards, and similar devices by the state of Alabama or UAB.                               

UAB assumes no responsibility for the loss, damage, theft, care, or protection of any Bicycle, wheeled mobility device, or attached accessory, including locking devices or contents, at any time. Individuals who bring a Bicycle or other wheeled mobility device onto the University’s campus assume all risk of loss or damage of the Bicycle or wheeled mobility device. All persons on campus should be reasonably aware of their own safety, whether as a pedestrian, cyclist, or other device operator.  


Confirmed violations of this policy will result in appropriate consequences commensurate with the offense, for faculty, staff, and students, up to and including dismissal from academic programs or termination of employment, appointment or other relationships with UAB. Persons violating these operational regulations may be cited by UAB Police or UAB Transportation for continued or repeated violations on the campus. 
Noncompliant bicycle parking by any individuals will result in a ticket warning, followed by impoundment on site with a University u-lock. Impounded bicycles may be recovered by contacting UAB Transportation, and must be registered at the time of collection before the bicycle is returned to the individual. Impounded bicycles are held in impoundment for 30 days, after which they may not be recovered.



The Vice President for Financial Affairs and Administration, through UAB Transportation, is responsible for the development and maintenance of procedures to implement this policy.

Related Resources

UAB Transportation - Biking at UAB 
Micromobility Reporting Tool