Problem Resolution Procedure for Non- faculty Employees- HR Policy 608   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



All employees who have a concern or complaint that arises within the course of their employment are first encouraged to seek resolution of the matter through an informal process regardless of whether the employee or work-related issue qualifies for the formal Problem Resolution Procedure. Resolving problems at the department level helps build trust and better working relationships. The appropriate actions to take to resolve the issue or complaint through the informal process are as follows:

  • One-on-one Meetings – An employee is encouraged to meet with the person against whom they have a complaint to discuss the situation and to seek resolution of the complaint.
  • Intervention by Supervisor, Manager, or Department/Unit Head – An employee is encouraged to contact his/her supervisor to request assistance with resolving the complaint.
  • Facilitated Conversations – If one-on-one meetings or intervention by departmental officials as indicated, above do not resolve the complaint or are not appropriate, the employee may contact the HR Relations or the assigned department Consultant/Advisor to request the assistance of a “facilitator.” In some cases, HR Relations may take the initiative to recommend this action. Facilitated conversations allow the employee and the individual against whom the employee has a complaint to discuss the relevant issue in order to seek a mutually agreeable solution to the complaint.

If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the formal Problem Resolution Procedure is available to employees who meet the following criteria:

  • Employees must have completed the initial six months probationary period and must be employed in one of the following assignment categories:
    • Full-time Regular Employees (01)
    • Part-time Regular Employees (03)
    • Three Twelve-hour-shift (3/12 Hour) Employees (12)
    • Weekend Staff Employees (17)

Work-related issues that may be challenged using the formal Problem Resolution Procedure are as follows:

  • Discharge from employment
  • Written warning
  • Suspension
  • Imposed probation
In certain instances, a challenge may be dismissed or administratively closed following a review by Executive HR Leadership.  In such instance, all parties will be notified in writing.    

The following issues may not be challenged using the formal Problem Resolution Procedure:

  • Salary
  • Performance evaluation
  • Verbal counseling
  • Voluntary resignation
  • Position elimination due to restructuring or funding
  • Resignation in place of immediate dismissal 
  • Dismissal as a result of a violation of the “Guidelines for Impaired Employees” (back-to-work agreement) 
  • Termination from employment based on felony conviction or unavailable for work due to incarceration
This process may not be used for claims of discrimination based on race, age, national origin, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability unrelated to job or program performance, veteran status, or genetic or family medical history, as these are matters addressed through University policy including but not limited to the Equal Employment and Discriminatory Harassment Policy and the Title IX Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy.  

All employees, even those not eligible to use the Problem Resolution Procedure, may submit a complaint of alleged discrimination to officials listed in the Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy.  

Employees may use the procedure without penalty or retaliation.

Any questions regarding the Problem Resolution Procedure for Non-faculty Employees should be directed to HR Relations at extension 4-4458 or 4-4701.

Related Policies

Termination of Employment (HR Policy 605)

Problem Resolution Procedure for Non-Faculty Employees – HR Procedure 608