Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions HR Policy 115   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]


UAB seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors, as well as protect the University’s property, resources, and reputation.  Accordingly, any current employee who is convicted in any U.S. (federal, state, or territory) or foreign jurisdiction of a crime or infraction during their employment must report the conviction to UAB Human Resources within fourteen (14) calendar days of the conviction. This policy applies to all UAB employees, regardless of their work location or status. Employees are required to report convictions occurring during employment even if the charged crime occurred prior to employment. Convictions for infractions, such as routine traffic-related violations (e.g., speeding, unsafe movement, improper equipment, etc.) or homeowner’s association violations, are not required to be reported under this policy unless the infraction relates to a required part of the employee’s regularly assigned job duties (e.g., driving).  In cases where the infraction is related, the employee is then required to report it.

Criminal convictions shall be reported on the Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Form found on the Human Resources website, or by contacting UAB Talent Performance & Relations. Employees must also provide copies of any related documentation upon request. If additional documentation becomes available after an employee’s initial disclosure of a conviction, employees are required to submit such documentation to UAB Talent Performance & Relations within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. Upon receipt of a conviction disclosure, UAB may conduct a background investigation of the employee. Convictions must be reported even if an appeal is pending.

Employees who fail to disclose criminal convictions, fail to provide accurate details regarding criminal convictions, fail to disclose any pleas of guilt, and/or fail to cooperate in the background check process may be subject to corrective action up to and including termination.

Disclosing a conviction does not automatically impact an employee’s appointment or affiliation with the University. Employment action will depend on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, the employee’s work duties, the nature and severity of the offense, and surrounding circumstances that adversely affect the University and/or employee, including the employee’s truthfulness and completeness in disclosing the information in a timely manner.