Initial Six Months Probationary Period - HR Policy 602   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]

Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]


The first six calendar months of employment of all non-faculty employees, both exempt and non-exempt (assignment categories 01,03,12,17), are considered an initial probationary period. During the initial six months of employment at UAB an employee's performance and adherence to UAB policies and procedures will be closely monitored. During this new employment period, the supervisor will provide feedback regarding good performance as well as unsatisfactory performance.  Individuals hired in a flexi/PRN position with UAB Medicine, whether exempt or non-exempt, are also subject to an initial six-month probationary period. Employees in their initial six-month probationary period do not have access to some benefits and privileges, to include the Problem Resolution Procedure for Non-Faculty Employees.  

During this time the employee will be able to learn about the assignment and will be able to determine whether they are satisfied with the position. If an employee decides that they are unhappy with the position or cannot adjust properly to the work assignment, the employee may resign with proper notice.

At the same time, the employee's supervisor will have the opportunity during the initial six months of employment to determine the employee's suitability for the position for which they are employed. If the employee's performance is not satisfactory, their employment may be terminated at any time during the initial six-month probationary period. The University of Alabama at Birmingham, including UAB Medicine may terminate employees for other causes or reasons without giving notice.

Prior to or at the completion of an employee's initial six-month probationary period, the supervisor should discuss with the employee the employee's performance, which may include a performance evaluation with the employee.

If the employee's job performance during the initial six- month probationary period has not been satisfactory but the supervisor decides that discharge is not justified, the probationary period may be extended for up to 90 calendar days. Review sessions should be held between the supervisor and the employee during this extended initial probationary period. The review sessions should be documented and maintained within the employee's department file. The employee may be terminated at any time during this additional 90 day probationary period.  At the conclusion of this extended initial probationary period, the employee will either be retained or terminated based on performance.

At the end of the initial six-month probationary period, an employee is eligible to receive the full benefits and privileges according to the position and assignment category, except as noted when the probationary period is extended beyond six months.

At any time after an employee has completed the initial six-month probationary period, disciplinary probation may be imposed for definite periods, not to exceed 90 calendar days, in order to allow serious evaluation of the employee's continuation at UAB. Neither extended probation nor imposed disciplinary probation affects the employee's accrued benefits or access to the formal Problem Resolution Procedure for Non-faculty Employees.
Date Issued: 10/80