Solicitation and Distribution Protection - HR Policy 629   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]




The purpose of this policy is to establish UAB’s intent to maintain a work and educational environment that is free from solicitation efforts that do not relate to UAB’s business or academic interests. The University’s policy on non-solicitation is intended to avoid disruption of university operations, and for the safety and privacy of faculty, staff, visitors and students. While UAB actively encourages employees' participation in community activities and organizations outside of work, the time spent at work is more productive when not interrupted by commercial and non-commercial solicitations and distribution of materials by employees and External Individuals or Organizations. This policy applies to all forms of commercial and non-commercial solicitation, distribution of literature,  canvassing, vending, or peddling.

For the purpose of this policy, the terms listed below shall have the following meanings:

  • External Individuals/Organizations:  Individuals or organizations unaffiliated with UAB and for which UAB does not have control over, nor do they have the primary purpose of supporting UAB’s mission.  This may be UAB employees, students, or alumni who are acting outside of the scope of their employment or student status.  Examples include, but are not limited to,  for-profit groups, non-profit groups (such as professional organizations or societies), governmental organizations, other universities, or political groups.
  • Internal Organizations:  Organizations officially constituted within UAB, staffed by UAB employees, or funded/sponsored by UAB.  These include official academic or administrative units, recognized student organizations, and affiliated groups supporting UAB activities (e.g., UAB Alumni Association).
  • Guests:  External Individuals or Organizations who are invited by a UAB Sponsoring Internal Individual or Organization to attend or participate in an On-Campus Event.  This includes non-UAB affiliated persons, including national/international affiliates or guest speakers/public figures.
  • On-Campus Event: Any event or organizational activity hosted in a UAB building, outdoor facility . UAB Facilities (University Buildings and Outdoor Facilities) is defined as buildings and structures, grounds, sidewalks, recreation areas, and any other indoor or outdoor facilities owned and managed/controlled by the University.  University buildings including their outside surfaces and surfaces associated with or connected to a University building.    This excludes Outdoor Areas of Campus as defined in below.
  • Outdoor Areas of Campus: Generally accessible areas of the University's campus in which members of the campus community are commonly allowed, including grassy areas, walkways, or other similar common areas. The term does not include outdoor areas of campus to which access is restricted. Outdoor Areas of campus specifically do not include any buildings, surfaces associated with or connected to a University building or other indoor or outdoor facilities as defined in these definitions. Some areas, such as UAB Mini Park and the Campus Green may be reserved and are then considered in this policy as an Outdoor Facility; otherwise, these areas when unscheduled are considered Outdoor Areas.
  • Work Time or Working Time: The time when an employee is scheduled and expected to be properly engaged in performing his/her work tasks.
  • Work Areas: All business-related areas of UAB except break rooms and other areas designated for non-work use.

Solicitation by UAB Employees

Employees may engage in solicitation and distribution of literature related to certain UAB-sponsored activities, institutional fundraising, and approved charitable organizations. Otherwise, employees may not engage in any commercial or non-commercial solicitation or vending in Work Areas during Working Time (when either the employee or the person being solicited is working). Likewise, employees may not distribute literature during Working Time or in Work Areas at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: raffles, charity drives, sale of goods or services, sports pools, fundraisers, food vending, bake sales, or membership in any club or organization.

Employees may not engage in solicitation or distribution at any time in reception areas, immediate patient care areas, areas adjacent to patient rooms, patient treatment areas, hospital thoroughfares used to transport patients and visitors, any area where distribution would interfere with the delivery of health care services, UAB classrooms (when in use as such), student living areas, libraries, or research facilities.
Further, it is not appropriate for employees to use UAB’s computers, email system, telephones, equipment, paper, and related supplies for personal use, including solicitation and distribution of literature as set forth herein.

Solicitation by External Individuals or Organizations

Solicitation and/or distribution by External Individuals or Organizations not affiliated with UAB or invited Guests of UAB students, faculty, or staff is strictly prohibited on all University property, including but not limited to all UAB Facilities and Outdoor Areas.   This policy does not apply to vendors or other business specifically engaged by UAB for the provision of goods or services (such as student stores, job fairs, benefit or wellness fairs, or by invitation for special events), UAB-authorized entrepreneurial spin-outs, spin-ins, and joint ventures, or those activities conducted in facilities under written lease from UAB.
External Individuals or Organizations who are Guests of an Internal UAB Individual or Organization and invited to engage in any form of solicitation or distribution of literature on UAB premises or otherwise attend or participate in an On-Campus Event involving solicitation, distribution of literature, and/or other forms of expressive activity are subject to and must comply with all applicable UAB policies and procedures, including but not limited to the Freedom of Expression and the Use of UAB Facilities policy, the Student Organization Event policy, and the Student Promotional and Advertising policy.  Those policies, which contain important key words and definitions, are incorporated herein by reference.  

Failure to comply with this policy may result in the suspension of any approval for solicitation under this policy for the remainder of the academic year, discipline, and/or other appropriate sanctions. Violations of this policy by an External Individual/Organization or Guest may result in removal from University property, including but not limited to, all UAB Facilities and Outdoor areas.

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