Work (Rest) Breaks and Meal Periods - HR Policy 621   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]


If the workload permits, work breaks are allowed, but they are not guaranteed.  Employees should be aware that taking work breaks depends upon the department involved and whether normal work can be continued while employees take breaks.

Employees working six or more hours per shift and where work breaks are allowed, may take up to two paid, 15-minute breaks per shift and should not be accumulated to allow employees to leave work early or to extend or replace a meal period.

UAB generally provides the opportunity for an uninterrupted meal period of no less than 30 minutes. The actual time and length of the meal period will be scheduled by the supervisor (typically 30 or 60 minutes).  Meal periods are considered personal time, and employees are encouraged to leave the immediate onsite or hybrid/remote work area in order to eat and relax.  For nonexempt employees, meal periods are not considered work time for pay purposes.  Nonexempt employees must follow the appropriate procedure to properly track meal periods to include punching(badging) out/in unless advised otherwise (i.e. auto deduct).  Prior authorization is required before working during a meal period.  Employees are not allowed to work "off the clock" or work voluntarily, and must be compensated for all time worked.  If an employee works during a meal period, this time should be counted as work hours.

Supervisors and employees share the responsibility of ensuring work time is recorded accurately.  Employees are responsible for accurately reporting their time and notifying their supervisors should a problem arise.  Supervisors are responsible for proper adherence to all policies, including but not limited to time tracking and record keeping.         
Nursing Mothers and Lactation Support
Departments are required to provide an appropriate location and give breaks, as necessary, to nursing mothers to express breast milk for her nursing child up to one year after the child's birth.  The location cannot be a bathroom and must be shielded from view, free of interruptions and readily available to the employee.  Lactation centers located at UAB are Campus Lactation Centers.  Employees who use work breaks to express milk must be compensated in the same way that other employees are compensated for work breaks.


Date Issued: 10/80