Employment of Students - HR Policy 119   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



POLICY 119.A University

UAB student employees are enrolled and attending UAB as students with an active employee assignment.  The Office of Financial Aid certifies a Work Study students' eligibility and refers the student to the department(s) requesting student employees. The employment of other students as student assistants and graduate assistants is handled by the individual departments.

UAB student employee assignments are established via the processing of a "New Hire" ACT document in the Oracle Administrative System.  Student employees are typically assigned as a 06 student assignment category.

For more information regarding student employment go to Student - Financial Affairs | UAB.

POLICY 119.B UAB Hospital

All individuals working in the Hospital are hired in accordance with all UAB, State, Federal and/or other outside agency requirements.  Those hired within UAB Medicine will be processed via the normal hiring process for employees and/or Residents.   

Date Issued: 10/80