Hiring Temporary / Contingent Employees - HR Policy 118   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



 UAB departments occasionally need to hire "temporary" non-academic employees for specific assignments/projects which will be completed in less than one year. Departments may also need employees on a "contingent" or sporadic basis or to provide services for less than 20 hours per week with no particular time limitation. It is important that these individuals understand the nature of their appointments to avoid misleading expectations. Temporary and contingent employees are hired on an "at will" basis regardless of the expected length of the appointment. These individuals serve day to day at the discretion of the Institution for whatever length of time deemed necessary by management. 

To fill a temporary/contingent position the hiring department must complete a Position Authorization Form (PAR).  A link to the form can be found on the HR Website at http://www/uwb.edu/humanresources/home/forms.  The full onboarding process (which includes the application, hire letter, and I-9) is outlined at https://www.uab.edu/humanresources/home/learndev/uab-empoyee-onboarding/uab-managers/temporary-employees-onboarding. 

A background check (to include OIG/GSA check*) is performed on all temporary and contingent new hires at UAB.   

For direct department temporary hires, the position title used must be one that is currently in the UAB classification system and the salary within the established salary range.  Questions concerning the position title or salary range should be directed to your HR Consultant or the Compensation Division.  If using UAB Temporary Services, UAB Temporary Services will assign the position title and applicable salary based on the department's request.  

POLICY 118.A University

Temporary and contingent position vacancies are not required to be advertised but are subject to all Equal Employment Opportunity and Department of Labor regulations. Temporary employees may or may not be eligible for University benefits (see Benefits Eligibility Table in section 3 of the You and UAB Handbook). Contingent employees are not eligible for University benefits. Temporary and contingent employees have no greater rights to regular positions at UAB than external applicants for employment. Granting such rights could effectively circumvent our Affirmative Action obligations since an unfair advantage would be given to an individual who was not initially recruited through an Affirmative Action process.

UAB Temporary Services employees may be considered internal candidates for the internal recruitment process. To be considered for any regular status position vacancy a UAB Temporary Services employee must apply through the regular employment process. If a department selects a temporary employee for a regular position, after University procedures for filling job vacancies have been followed, UAB Temporary Services should be notified immediately.

Once notified, UAB Temporary Services will initiate an ACT Document and reassign it to the employing department for completion. UAB Temporary Services employees who become full-time regular employees will receive a new service date and begin to accrue benefits at that time. See HR Records Policy 412 for establishing a new service date.


POLICY 118.B UAB Hospital

All individuals hired to work in the Hospital are hired in compliance with all UAB, State, Federal and/or other outside agency requirements. Filling a temporary or contingent position at UAB Hospital requires completion of a Hospital Personnel Requisition Form and follows the regular hiring process. All new hospital employees are required to attend Hospital New Employee Orientation regardless of benefit status.

*As a recipient of Federal contracts and grants, UAB is required to conduct an OIG/GSA background check on all employees. The OIG/GSA check is used to identify individuals excluded or sanctioned from participating in Medicare, Medicaid or other federally funded programs.

Related Policies

Temporary Employment Services - HR Policy 120

 Date Issued: 08/91