Orientation/Onboarding - HR Policy 117   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



All new faculty and staff are introduced to UAB through a general orientation or onboarding program conducted by UAB Human Resources, UAB Faculty Affairs, or UAB Hospital Human Resources.  As a general practice, all new employees are scheduled to attend orientation or onboarding on their first day of employment. Only with approval can an employee begin employment on a non-orientation/non-onboarding day. Those beginning on a non-orientation/non-onboarding day are required to attend employee orientation as soon as possible after being hired but within 30 days of employment (or transfer, if applicable).

Newly hired employees will be given a general introduction to UAB/UAB Medicine, an explanation of services and programs available to them as employees, a review of UAB/UAB Medicine policies and procedures, an overview of benefit options, and any applicable enrollment instructions.

Orientation or onboarding programs for faculty positions may vary by school, college and the UAB Libraries.  New faculty members should contact their specific unit for more information about the orientation or onboarding programs in which they are required to attend and/or participate.   

Employees working in direct patient care areas and other specialized areas are required to attend an additional orientation specific to their duties.

Date Issued: 03/93