Pre-Employment Health Screen and Drug Testing - HR Policy 114   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]


A pre-employment post-offer health screening is required for all UAB Hospital, Police Department, Facilities, Animal Resource Program, and some classifications of temporary service employees. Each offer of employment shall be conditioned upon the successful completion of a health screen.

POLICY 114.A General Pre-Employment Health Screen

The screening includes an evaluation for tuberculosis (TB), review of immunization history, laboratory testing, and drug testing.

POLICY 114.B Pre-Employment Drug Testing

UAB is a drug free workplace. As a part of the general pre-employment health screening, UAB Hospital tests all potential new employees and/or rehires for illegal drugs and controlled substances. Every employee must be free of illegal drug use and controlled substance abuse. Any candidate who tests positive in the pre-employment drug test shall have their offer of employment rescinded and shall be ineligible for hire for twelve (12) months.

Pre-employment drug testing is also required for UAB Police Department, Facilities, Animal Resource Program, and some classifications of temporary service employees.

POLICY 114.B.1 Drug Testing Procedures

Prior to testing, candidates must sign an approved consent form agreeing to the testing and authorizing the release of test results to the UAB Employee Health Nurse or designee. The consent form also authorizes the Employee Health Nurse or designee to disclose the results to a designated personnel representative and/or others with a need to know. Candidates who refuse to sign the consent form will be ineligible to move forward in the hiring process.

POLICY 114.B.2 Reporting and Reviewing of Drug Tests

The candidate's specimen will be sent to a certified National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) laboratory. The certified NIDA laboratory will report all test results as required within an average of three days after receipt of a specimen by the laboratory. The Medical Review Officer will review and interpret all test results. In the event of a positive test result, the Employee Health Nurse or designee will notify the Human Resources representative.

POLICY 114.B.3 Appeal of Drug Test Results and Retesting

A candidate who disputes a positive drug test result may request retesting of that same specimen by contacting the facility where the specimen was submitted. The Medical Review Officer, or designee, at the facility will explain the appeal procedure, timeframe and expense involved.

Date Issued: 10/80