Temporary Employment Services - HR Policy 120   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



UAB's Temporary Employment Services provides UAB with a reserve of competent clerical, secretarial, service, technical, clinical, and professional personnel to meet the needs of requesting departments for temporary employees. The use of outside temporary agencies is discouraged. Private agencies should be used only after it is determined that no qualified individual is available through UAB's Temporary Employment Services.

Requests for temporary employees may be submitted online at www.uab.edu/temp. Internal or external advertising is not required. Employees may be assigned part-time or full-time hours for any desired length of time; length of assignments to be determined by hiring department. All time records are maintained in the official UAB timekeeping system; temporary employees are responsible for submitting any time card adjustments to tempservicspay@uab.edu within the proper time period.

Because Temporary Services personnel have no guaranteed schedule of work beyond their current assignment, they are not eligible for University benefits. They are, however, covered under the On-the-Job Injury Program, Unemployment Compensation, and Social Security.

Temporary Employment Services employees may be considered internal candidates for the internal recruitment process. To be considered for any position vacancy a Temporary Employment Services employee must apply through the regular employment process. If a department selects a Temporary Employment Services employee for a regular position, after University procedures for filling job vacancies have been followed, the Temporary Services Office should be notified immediately. Once notified, the Temporary Services Office will initiate an ACT Document and reassign it to the employing department for completion. Temporary Services employees who become full-time regular employees will receive a new service date and begin to accrue benefits at that time. These employees are also subject to UAB's Employment Background Investigation policy.

Date Issued: 10/80

Related Policies

Hiring Temporary/Contingent Employees - HR Policy 118
Service Dates - HR Policy 412
Employment Background Investigation - HR Policy 113