Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2220

Faculty Consulting and Other Professional Activities, Including Outside Employment


Effective September 01, 1983
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


  1. Greater Duties of Members of the Teaching Staff


The Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 31004, of the UT System describe the greater duties of a member of the teaching staff as:


  1. Teaching in the classroom, laboratory, seminar, or ward.


  1. Studying, investigating, discovering, and creating.


  1. Performing curricular tasks auxiliary to teaching and research, e.g., serving on faculty committees, attending to administrative and disciplinary tasks, promoting diligence and honest work in the student body.


  1. Influencing beneficially students and citizens in various extracurricular ways


  1. Consulting, Lecturing, or Other Professional Activities within UT Austin


  1. Consulting with students and colleagues, occasional lectures to University groups, and assistance with certain professional activities are recognized as part of the normal obligations of faculty and professional staff for which no additional compensation is required. On occasion, obligations may be accepted that are in addition to those associated with full-time employment and that justify additional compensation. The following rules govern such additional compensation from University funds, including grants and contracts, extension and correspondence teaching, participation in workshops, symposia, etc.; and editing or proofreading for the UT Press or other scholarly publications.


  1. Normally, fees for consulting, lecturing, or other professional services, in addition to full-time salaries, will not be paid to faculty or professional or other similar staff in the same department or administrative unit (e.g., non-departmentalized school, college, or organized research unit.)


  1. Prior approval, in writing, by the department chairman and the Dean of the College or School in which the faculty or staff are appointed, and by the President or Vice President, is required for receipt of payment from any UT Austin funds (including sponsored projects) for consulting within the University. In the case of faculty or staff appointed to units that do not report through a dean, prior approval should be by the appropriate vice president. The prior approval request will include

(1)  source and amount of funding, (2) services to be provided, (3) period of time and (4) justification for special payment. The payment of consulting fees from University funds, either to University faculty and staff or to persons not regularly employed by the University, must be in accord with provisions.

  1. In all cases, the rate of compensation cannot exceed the established University rate, and the total of any additional compensation for full-time employees from University controlled funds cannot be greater than $7,500 per year. Payment of consulting fees to full-time UT Austin employees from federal grant and contract funds is permissible in unusual cases where consultation is across departmental lines or involves a separate or remote operation and the work is in addition to the regular departmental load, provided that such consulting arrangements are specifically provided for in the approved grant or contract or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency.


  1. Payments for consulting, lecturing or other professional services within UT Austin are treated as salary payments and are paid with departmental payroll vouchers.


  1. Outside Employment, Consulting and Other Professional Activities


  1. Outside employment regulations for the University System appear in the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 30103. Other regulations relating to U.T. Austin recommended by the 1972 Faculty Committee on Outside Employment and by the University Council are as follows:
  1. No member of the faculty or professional staff shall undertake any form of outside employment or activity, whether remunerative or not, whether regular or sporadic, which prevents the performance of those primary responsibilities expected of a full-time faculty or staff member of the University as provided in the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 31004; but outside employment and activities which do not affect the individual's compliance with the highest standard of ethics in the proper discharge of these duties are not prohibited.
  2. Appropriate outside employment for a faculty member which enhances the performance of duties as described in Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 31004 is encouraged as furthering the interest of both the individual and the University. Consulting, professional performance and other appropriate outside employment or activities can contribute to the effectiveness of the faculty member as a teacher and as a productive scholar, and can meet the individual's and the institution's obligation of public service.
  1. A faculty member may hold other nonelective offices or positions of honor, trust, or profit with the State of Texas or the United States as provided by Article 6252-9a, Section 1, V.C.S., and subject to the other provisions of this memorandum and of Rule 30103 and Rule 31004 of the Rules and Regulations.


  1. Conflict of interest should be avoided. As provided in Article 6252-9, Section 1, V.C.S., a member of an institutional faculty shall have no interest of any kind, direct or indirect, or engage in any business transaction or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the individual's duties as a faculty member. See Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 31004, for a listing of the specific conflicts of interest prohibited by the State statute; see also Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 30103.


  1. Outside employment is defined as any remunerative activity such as, but not necessarily limited to, consulting, advising, testing or assaying, performing analysis or examinations, the practice of one's profession, or similar work performed in addition to the official responsibilities of a full-time employee.


  1. Each school, college, or division shall submit to the President a statement of outside employment practices which reflects any special considerations appropriate for the particular area under the policies and conditions of outside employment and activities. Such statements shall be subject to review and final approval by the President.


  1. During the period of full-time employment with UT Austin, members of the faculty and professional staff may engage in outside employment so long as it does not reduce the full-time obligation to the University. The outside employment is considered an overload and must not exceed 20 percent of the full-time obligation. Faculty and staff may not receive grant funds directly nor enter into contracts that conflict with the individual's obligations to the University.


  1. Before any faculty member or professional staff member of an institution may engage in outside employment, approval of the department chairman or equivalent supervisor and of the Dean is required. For continuing employment, approval of the President is also required. For short term or ad hoc employment, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research must be notified after approval of the Dean. Requests for approval should describe the nature of the employment, including compensation where required by Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 30103. Recommendations for approval, and approval, shall be based upon an affirmative showing that the proposed employment would be in accord with the policies stated in this memorandum and with the applicable statement of outside employment practices approved for the school, college, or division. When Regental approval is required, such approval shall be obtained prior to engaging in any activity.
  2. Outside employment and consulting under the appropriate rules and procedures usually require an absence from the campus. Even though there is no cost to the University, absence from the campus or other regular place of work for periods of half a day or more during the normal working period must be preceded by an approved Travel Authorization.


Minor editorial change made March 15, 2016.
Previously HOP 3.14