Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1110-PM

University Regulations Affecting Faculty or Staff Organizations


Effective: October 7, 1982
Executive Sponsor: Vice President for Legal Affairs
Policy Owner: Vice President for Legal Affairs


The University permits the orderly use of its facilities by registered faculty or staff organizations. In accordance with the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 40201, this Policy Memorandum describes the procedures for registering a faculty or staff organization and cites regulations affecting the use of University facilities by such organizations. Registration as a faculty or staff organization does not imply official University endorsement or support of any actions taken by such organizations.


  1. Registration as a Faculty or Staff Organization


  1. Requirements for Registration


  1. An organization is eligible to apply for registration if (a) all members of the organization are full-time or part-time employees of The University of Texas at Austin and (b) the purposes of the organization are not in conflict with any applicable Regents' Rules and Regulations.


  1. A registered faculty or staff organization is subject to all applicable rules of The University of Texas at Austin. If an organization violates such rules, it is subject to disciplinary action which may result in suspension or revocation of the registered status of the organization.


  1. Procedures for Registration


  1. A group of University employees may request registration as a faculty or staff organization by submitting an application form to the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs. Application forms are available upon request from the Vice President for Legal Affairs.


  1. At the time of application for registration and at the beginning of each semester that an organization is registered as a faculty or staff organization, each organization shall file with the Vice President for Legal Affairs an affidavit executed by the president, chairperson, or other appropriate official of the organization stating that the organization does not presently have, nor during any period of registration will have, as a member any person who is not a member of the faculty or staff of The University of Texas at Austin. If the Vice President for Legal Affairs determines that the statements in such affidavit are false, registration shall be denied, or if it is determined that such affidavit has become false during any period of registration, such registration shall be canceled.


  1. Each application for registration as a faculty or staff organization shall be accompanied by a complete list of the names and addresses of all persons who are officers of the organization and the application shall identify by name and address the person or persons who are authorized to speak for or represent the organization in its relations with the University and who are authorized to receive for the organization any official notices, directives, or instructions from the University.


  1. Any changes in information contained in the application form must be reported promptly to the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs. Failure to report such information within ten days of the change may result in the cancelation of the organization's registered status.


  1. Registration as a faculty or staff organization must be renewed annually. The registered status of an organization expires on August 31 of each year. It is the responsibility of the organization to submit a new application for registration on an annual basis.


  1. Use of University Facilities by Registered Faculty or Staff Organizations


Officially registered faculty or staff organizations may use University facilities by requests to the Office of Official Publications in accordance with procedures established by that office. The authority for such use and the criteria that control are stated in the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80101 and Rule

 80104. Further guidance regarding use of facilities can be found in the comparable rules for student organizations in the General Information Bulletin, Appendix C, Chapter 10. Guidelines for use of University facilities by outside groups are contained in 4-1130-PM.


Use of Facilities for Meetings and Events


Subject to availability of facilities and the priority of regularly scheduled teaching and ancillary activities, registered organizations shall be permitted to use University facilities on a non-discriminatory basis for meetings and events. Requests for use of University facilities shall be made to the Dean of Students' Office and shall comply with the procedures stated in the General Information Bulletin, Appendix C, Chapter 10.


Previously PM 6.102