Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1130-PM

Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups: The University as a Joint Sponsor


Effective March 16, 1987
Executive Sponsor: Vice President for Legal Affairs
Policy Owner: Vice President for Legal Affairs

In making arrangements for use of University facilities by outside groups, provisions of Regents' Rules and Regulations, including Rules 80104 and

 80105, must be followed.


The Regent's Rules and Regulations prohibit registered student, faculty, or staff organizations from entering into joint sponsorship of any on- campus project or program with individuals or groups that are not registered. Authority to issue an invitation on behalf of the University and to commit the University to joint sponsorship is delegated to the executive officers and deans. In those cases where an invitation by the President is required, the President's Office should be notified well in advance of the need for the invitation.


The following procedures are to be observed:


  1. Require a written request from the non-University group desiring to share in the use of University buildings and facilities.


  1. Make arrangements with the appropriate University agency for the reservation of space. Information regarding those facilities normally used for such purposes, and the agencies controlling their use, may be obtained from the Registrar's Office (Scheduling, 5-7600).


  1. Provide the non-University group with a written invitation on behalf of the University. This invitation should indicate that the University has agreed to cosponsor the non-University group's use of University facilities.


Previously PM 6.103