Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1240

Use of Special Events Center

Executive Sponsor: Office of the President
Policy Owner: Athletic Director

  1. Special Use Facility


The Special Events Center of The University of Texas at Austin ("University") is designated as a Special Use Facility as authorized by the Regulations of the Board of Regents, Rule 80106.


  1. Priorities of Users


For scheduling events in the Special Events Center, the following priorities shall apply:


  1. Academic and related activities of the University, such as registration, Commencement, Honors Day, etc.


  1. Men's and Women's intercollegiate conference basketball games scheduled a minimum of three years in advance of the official seasons as defined by the NCAA and AIAW.


  1. Events sponsored by the University through the Director of the Special Events Center.


  1. Men's and Women's intercollegiate conference and non-conference basketball games scheduled a minimum of two years in advance of the official seasons as defined by the NCAA and AIAW.


  1. Events sponsored by the University through the Cultural Entertainment Committee of the Texas Union and scheduled at least two months in advance.


  1. Events sponsored by the University through academic departments, schools and colleges and official University agencies or departments, with prior approval of the President or the President's delegate and scheduled at least one month in advance.


  1. Events jointly sponsored by the University and non-University groups, with prior approval of the President or President's delegates.


  1. Events sponsored by Registered Student Organizations and Registered Faculty or Staff Organizations, subject to the same conditions as are applicable to non-University organizations.


  1. Events sponsored solely by non-University organizations, as provided by the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80106, of The University of Texas System, and subject to the conditions set forth below.
  1. Reservations

Application for use of the Special Events Center shall be made to the Director, Room 1.110 Special Events Center.


  1. Eligibility and Priority


Determination of eligibility and priority shall be made by the Director of the Special Events Center. With the exception of priorities 2, 4, and 5 above, application for use must be made at least one month prior to the date of the proposed event, although any application, regardless of its date, may   be denied if there is insufficient time to prepare adequately for the proposed event.


  1. Tentative Reservations


Tentative reservations may be made for proposed events. Such reservations may be canceled by the Director if, at the time a second reservation request is made for the date, the prior applicant fails to show appropriate evidence that the reservation will be used or if an applicant with higher priority makes application and has a valid use for the facility.


  1. Confirmed Reservations


Tentative reservations become confirmed upon execution of a use contract or memorandum of agreement. Confirmed reservations are not subject to cancelation except when the user fails to comply with the terms of the reservations, fails to comply with the conditions stated herein, fails to show adequate financial resources for presentation of the event, is not willing or able to adequately perform all required duties and responsibilities related to the event, or similar cause. An event for which a confirmed reservation has been granted cannot be preempted by a user of higher priority.  The Director may grant confirmed reservations for conventions and other non-University events in advance of scheduling major University events, provided that the Director makes reasonable efforts to determine probable dates of University events and to make appropriate reservations for them.


  1. Identification of Sponsor


The user may not assign or delegate any control or responsibility to any other user or co-sponsor, agent or third party without prior written approval of the Director of the Special Events Center. All users or co-sponsors of an event must be clearly identified prior to confirmation of a reservation.

Reservations for presenting one event may not be used for presenting a different event without written approval by the Director of the Special Events Center.


  1. Assignment of Reservations


No reservation, tentative or confirmed, may be assigned in whole or in part.


  1. Fees


The current approved use fee schedule will be available in the Office of the Director of the Special Events Center. Fees for non-University users are established at rates which will, at a minimum, ensure recovery of that part of the operating cost of the facility that is attributable directly or indirectly to such non-University use.


  1. Deposit. An advance deposit, as specified in the use fee schedule, is required for confirmation of reservations for an event sponsored by a non-University organization
  1. Bond and Insurance. Non-University users of the facility may be required to provide a contract performance bond. They shall be required to provide liability insurance covering injury to persons, including those resulting in death, and property damage insurance, including damage to the Special Events Center, in amounts and under policies satisfactory to the Director of the Special Events Center. Copies of such policies shall be furnished no later than 30 days prior to the event and in all cases prior to announcement of the event.


  1. Financial Policies


  1. University departments or agencies


Excess income over expenses, including the fee for use of the facility, derived from an event sponsored by the University through the Special Events Center, the Departments of Intercollegiate Athletics for Men and for Women, and the Cultural Entertainment Committee of the Texas Union, may be retained by those organizations to further their activities and programs. Excess income may  be retained by other University departments or agencies sponsoring events in the facility if the prior approval  by the President or the President's delegate authorizes such retention. Excess expenses   over income of an event shall be absorbed by the sponsoring University department or agency.


  1. Non-University Organizations
If a non-University user charges those attending an event any admission or registration fee, or accepts donations from those in attendance, a complete certified accounting of all funds collected and of the actual cost of the event shall be submitted to the Director within 30 days after the event.  If the funds collected exceed the actual cost of the event, the user is required to remit such excess funds to the Special Events Center as an additional charge for use of the facility. The University reserves the right to audit all records pertaining to income and expenses, to prescribe methods of collection and to participate in audits of funds at the point of receipt.
  1. Recurring events
When it is anticipated that an event sponsored by a non-University user may recur, by permission previously obtained, excess income over expenses, in an amount mutually agreed upon, may be placed in escrow in a designated University account for the purpose of advance payment of expenses or to offset losses of subsequent presentations of a similar event by the sponsor. Should the event not recur or be discontinued for any reason, title to such funds held   in escrow shall pass to the Special Events Center upon expiration of eighteen months from the date of the last previous event.
  1. Payment for Damage


All users and sponsors shall be responsible for payment for damage to the Special Events Center and its fixtures and equipment, whether caused by the user or its patrons, ordinary wear and tear excepted.


  1. Broadcast and Recording Rights


The University reserves all rights and privileges for radio and television broadcasts, whether live or transcribed for delayed transmission, and all visual or audio recordings originating from the Special Events Center.  Broadcasting and recording  and the allocation of revenues derived therefrom, may   be negotiated as part of a contract for use of the Special Events Center. Should the University grant  to the user such privilege, the University has the right to require advance payment of any estimated related costs to the University, such as installation of equipment. Such permission must be obtained in writing in advance of broadcast of recording date.


  1. General Policies


Any proposed use of the Special Events Center must be appropriate to and suited to the size, structure, purpose and operating costs of the facility. There must be good reason to expect that a proposed event  will attract a substantial number of participants or spectators or that it will require facilities unique to     the facility or which are otherwise unavailable in the community. All proposed events must be    conducted in accord with applicable state and Federal laws and regulations as well as the rules,  regulations and policies of The University of Texas at Austin and the Board of Regents of The    University of Texas System. Users must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that they have    the staff, experience, contracting authority, financial status or other qualifications necessary for carrying out the proposed event in a satisfactory manner.


  1. Review of Contracts


All contracts related to the presentation of an event, including contracts between users and performers, speakers, sub-contractors, managers and others, are subject to review and approval by the Director


  1. Hazards


If the University, in its sole discretion, determines that a proposed event poses a potential hazard to public safety the event may be canceled or denied. No user may install or operate any equipment, fixture or device, nor operate or permit to be operated any engine, motor or other machinery, or use gas, electricity or flammable substances in the facility except with prior written approval of the Director, and under such conditions and restrictions as the Director may specify. All electrical connections must be made by University personnel under direction of the staff of the Special    Events Center and all house equipment must be operated by the Special Events Center personnel.   No equipment, device or fixture may be used which in the opinion of the Director endangers the structural integrity of the facility.


  1. Conflict with University  Activities


An event shall not be permitted for any purpose which, although in accord with the general    purposes of the University, is of such character or occurs at such time or in such circumstances that they are likely to interfere or cause major conflict with any University activity, program or event, or are inimical to the interests of the University.


  1. Management Functions


Management functions are retained by the Special Events Center and may be delegated to users or others only with the written permission of the Director. These functions include, but are not limited to, the following:


All facets of ticketing and ticket policies, including scaling, acquisition, distribution and sale.
All matters of staffing, crowd control, technical arrangements, promotion, and advertising.


  1. Concessions and Catering

Use of the Special Events Center does not carry the right for the user to control concessions. Sale and distribution of food, beverages, souvenirs, or other concession items is reserved to the Special Events Center or its concessionaires. With approval of the Director, meals for banquets, dinners, receptions, etc. may be provided by responsible caterers selected by the user.


  1. Signs and Displays


No signs, messages or other materials may be posted, displayed, distributed or announced in, on or adjacent to, the Special Events Center without prior written approval of the Director. Such materials may not be fastened to any part of the facility except in spaces provided for this purpose and may    not be permitted to interfere with crowd movement and safety.


  1. Smoking


Smoking is restricted to concourses, offices, multipurpose rooms and auxiliary spaces. It is prohibited in the arena.


  1. Special Policies Applicable to Non-University Users


In addition to all general policies, and the specific policies set forth above, the following policies apply specifically to non-University users, including Registered Student Organizations and Registered Faculty and Staff Organizations:


  1. Religious Organizations


A religious organization applying for use of the facility must submit written evidence from the Internal Revenue Service that the organization has been granted an exemption from taxation under Section 501 (c) (3) of Title 26 of the United States Code (Internal Revenue Code), and shall be permitted to use the facility no more than one time during a calendar year.


  1. Political Organizations


A political organization applying for use of the facility must present written evidence that the organization had candidates for either state, district or local offices listed on the ballot at the last general election, and shall be permitted to use the facility no more than one time during a calendar year.


  1. Individual Candidates for Political Office


Individual political candidates and their election organizations are not permitted to reserve the Special Events Center. Such candidates may be invited by Registered Student Organizations or Registered Faculty and Staff Organizations and may appear in the facility, provided that the organization extending the invitation is responsible for reserving the facility and meeting all costs related to the event.


  1. Advertising


All news releases, handbills, advertisements, television and radio announcements or other media utilized to inform the public of a non-University event to be held in the Special Events Center must carry a disclaimer, approved by the Director, to the effect that use of The University of Texas facilities does not imply endorsement of the event or the sponsoring organization by the University.


Previously HOP 6.09