Handbook of Operating Procedures 5-1020-PM

Promotion and Recruiting Procedures for Administrative and Professional Personnel (Codes 1000 and 0080)


The University of Texas at Austin

Executive Sponsor: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources
March 1, 1989


The following procedures have been developed to provide greater opportunities for promotion from within, to provide equal opportunity for employee advancement, and to provide equal opportunity in the recruitment of outside applicants.


Subject to exceptions enumerated in Policy Memorandum 5-1030-PM, Administrative and Professional (Codes 1000 and 0080) positions may be filled only by the following methods:


  1. Internal Promotions


The department head (or applicable administrator) shall review regular employees within his or her area of supervision to identify those who are qualified for promotion. The best qualified person shall be selected. (A promotion is subject to the existence of a duly established and funded vacant position, into which the employee may be promoted, and is subject to final approval through University administrative channels.)


  1. University-Wide Recruiting


University-wide recruiting may be utilized to consider current University employees from other departments or areas of supervision. To assure that all qualified and interested employees have an opportunity to be considered for the position, the department head (or applicable administrator) shall post the position with Human Resources for a minimum of five work days (use Job Requisition Form PO-3).


  1. Open Recruiting


Open recruiting may be utilized by posting a position for open recruitment with Human Resources for a minimum of five work days (use Job Requisition Form PO-3).


Advertising - To assure compliance with Federal and other Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action guidelines, advertisements for positions shall include the following statement: "An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer." Advertisements must be reviewed in advance with Human Resources to assure proper content for EEO/AA purposes.


Selection Decision - The administrative officer shall select the best qualified applicant. The decision must be based on job-related factors which include, but are not limited to, relevant work experience and performance history, applicable education and training, skills, knowledge and abilities.



Previously PM 7.102