Handbook of Operating Procedures 5-2020

Prohibitions on Political Activity

The University of Texas at Austin
Executive Sponsor: Office of the President
Policy Owner: Deputy to the President


The The University affirms the right of a member of the staff to participate in political activities so long as such political activities do not interfere with the discharge of the duties and responsibilities that he owes to The University of Texas at Austin, and so long as such political activity does not involve The University of Texas at Austin in partisan politics. In addition, no employee shall seek or accept any political endorsement in connection with any appointment to, or preferment or advantage in connection with, a position in the classified service of the University.

No employee in the classified service of the University shall become a candidate for or hold any federal, state, county, or municipal elective office.

No employee shall allow his time on the job to be used for influencing the outcome of any election, or the passage or defeat of any legislative measure. This prohibition, however, shall not be construed to prevent any official or employee of the University from furnishing to any member of the Legislature, or to any State official or employee, or to any citizen, any information or facts pertinent to the official duties and responsibilities of the University.

No employee shall use any State-owned automobile except on official business of the University, and such employees are expressly prohibited from using such automobiles in connection with any political campaign.

Editorial change made February 23, 2016.
Previously HOP 9.87