Handbook of Operating Procedures 5-2310

Performance Evaluation Policy for Classified Personnel and Non-Faculty Professional Staff

Effective December 01, 1989
Executive Sponsor: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources


  1. Policy Statement

It is the policy of The University of Texas at Austin ("University") to provide a performance evaluation process with an annual assessment of classified personnel and non-faculty professional staff.

  1. Reason for Policy

To establish guidelines for performance evaluations of classified personnel and non-faculty professional staff.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all classified and non-faculty professional employees.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts


  1. Responsibilities & Procedures

This procedure establishes guidelines for performance evaluations of classified personnel and non-faculty professional staff.


The purposes of performance evaluations are (1) to provide a fair assessment of the employee's performance,

(2) to assist the employee to improve performance, (3) to provide a basis for an appropriate level of compensation, and (4) to support and provide documentation for personnel actions under approved policies.


Date for Implementation


Performance evaluations are scheduled to ensure that every regular employee (appointed one-half time or more for at least four and one-half months) is evaluated annually prior to reappointment for the succeeding year.


Forms and Guidelines for Implementation


The form attached to this procedure is the official University of Texas at Austin form and is available through University Supply and Mail Service. For a copy of this form refer to Section VIII below. No other form should be used, unless approved by the President. (Supplementary departmental planning materials or management information should be kept separate from this form.) Additional information regarding the use of the form is provided through the Supervisory Skills Training Course for first-line supervisors and through training sessions scheduled for other managers and supervisors.


Confidentiality and Disposition of Forms


The completed annual Performance Evaluation form for each employee is part of that employee's official personnel file in each department. Each supervisor is to conduct performance evaluations. The final step in the evaluation process involves review by the department Chairperson, Director, or designated management official. As an official part of each departmental personnel file, the Performance Evaluation form shall be treated as confidential.




The purpose of performance evaluations are (1) to provide a fair assessment of the employee's performance,

(2) to assist the employee to improve performance, (3) to provide a basis for an appropriate level of compensation, and (4) to support and provide documentation for personnel actions under approved policies. Performance evaluations should be scheduled to ensure that every regular employee (appointed one-half time or more for at least four and one-half months) is evaluated annually prior to reappointment for the succeeding year. Performance evaluation forms are available from the University Supply and Mail Service. No other form should be used, unless approved by the President. (Supplementary departmental planning materials or management information should be kept separate from this form.) The completed performance evaluation form is a part of the employee's official personnel file, and as such, shall be treated as confidential.


The performance evaluation form provides space on the front for:


  1. The date the annual performance period ends.


  1. The name, title and department of the employee being evaluated.


  1. A list of "Key Responsibilities" or major elements of the job. The evaluator may describe each key responsibility by using a word or a brief phrase or sentence to say what, how, and when each task is performed.


  1. An evaluation which places emphasis on how well each key responsibility has been performed. The "Guide for Evaluation" on the back of the form will assist in describing performance levels which meet, exceed, or fail to meet expected levels.


The back of the performance evaluation form provides space for:


  1. An overall summary of the performance evaluation, taking into consideration the level of performance on each key responsibility. The overall summary, again using the "Guide for Evaluation," may be very brief or may be more descriptive if needed. Specific targets for improvement should be noted.


  1. The actual date of the evaluation, name and title of the evaluator/supervisor who has direct knowledge and supervisory responsibility for the employee. Spaces are also provided for the supervisor to date and initial the form to record when the performance evaluation was discussed with the employee. It is not necessary for the employee to sign or initial the form.
  1. Management Review. This space is provided for the department Chairperson, Director or equivalent to record comments, including any disagreements with the evaluator's rating or comments. This space is to be completed with signature and date.


  1. Forms & Tools

Annual Performance Appraisal Form-- For classified personnel and non-teaching professional staff

  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information


  1. History

Reviewed: 9/17/2023
Next scheduled review date: 9/2026

Previously HOP 9.95