Handbook of Operating Procedures 7-1320

Human Subjects Used in Research

Effective December 12, 2013
Executive Sponsor: Vice President for Research
Policy Owner: Director, Office of Research Support & Compliance


  1. Policy Statement

It is the policy of The University of Texas at Austin (University) to assure the use of human subjects in University research is done in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations, and The University of Texas System Board of Regents Rules and Regulations. This policy applies to research conducted by faculty, staff, or students on behalf of the University. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.

  1. Reason for Policy

To set forth administrative guidance to comply with relevant laws and regulations governing the protection of human research participants including Title 45 CFR Part 46, Title 21 CFR Part 56 and Title 21 CFR Part 50.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to University employees, students, and affiliates who utilize human subjects for research. It is applicable to activities that occur in University facilities and at other locations whenever projects involve University funding, faculty scholarship, or staff/student effort as part of University activities.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Human Subjects:

Two definitions are applicable in this policy depending on the federal agency overseeing the research.


  1. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) defines a human subject as a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research:


  1. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a human subject as:


An individual performing various tasks related to the conduct of human subject research activities such as:


  1. Obtaining information about living individuals by intervening or interacting with them for research purposes.


  1. Obtaining identifiable private information or biospecimens about living individuals for research purposes.


  1. Obtaining voluntary informed consent of individuals to be subjects in research.


  1. Studying, interpreting, or analyzing identifiable private information, data, or biospecimens for research purposes.


Two definitions are applicable in this policy depending on the federal agency overseeing the research.


  1. DHHS defines research as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.


  1. FDA defines research as an activity that involves a drug or device, other than use of a marketed drug in the course of medical practice, or the use of a device to evaluate safety and effectiveness of that device, and data from the activity will be submitted to, or held for inspection by, the FDA in support of a marketing or research application for an FDA-regulated product.
  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts





Office of Research Support and Compliance


Phone: 512-471-8871



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
  1. Institutional Official (IO)


The vice president for research is the institutional official (IO) responsible for the human research protection program at the University with specific responsibilities and authorities delineated below. The IO, or appropriate delegate, is responsible for establishing and enforcing relevant University policies and procedures including but not limited to:


The IO, or appropriate delegate is granted the following authorities:


  1. Institutional Review Board (IRB)


The IRB reports to the vice president for research. The IRB is charged with reviewing and approving all research activities involving the use of human subjects. The IRB is responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of subjects who participate in the research activity as well as ensuring University policies and procedures are adhered to during human subject research. All activities meeting the definition of research involving the use of human subjects must be reviewed and approved prior to initiation of the project. Research qualifying for an exemption may be approved by Human Research Protection Program staff.


The IRB is responsible for the general oversight, evaluation, and assurance of compliance of the institution's human research protection program. In addition to protocol review, the IRB has additional authority in these areas:


In order to assure the human research protection program functions independently in its role to protect research participants, officials of University units/departments conducting the research may not deviate from protocol approved by the IRB nor may research not approved by the IRB be approved by any University official. However, those officials may decide not to approve/proceed with research previously approved by the IRB.



  1. Principal Investigator (PI) and Investigator Responsibilities


A significant burden of responsibility rests with the Principal Investigator (PI) when using humans in research.

The PI's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


Investigators using human subjects must comply with the following and assure:


  1. All personnel involved with a research project utilizing human subjects are trained in ethical principles, relevant federal regulations including the FDA's guidance related to adequacy of supervision by researchers, and institutional policies governing human subject research.


  1. Human subjects give voluntary consent to participate in research unless the requirement to obtain consent is waived by the IRB.


  1. All subjects are provided with pertinent information to make an informed decision about participating in research.


Note: In the case of research involving protected classes or individuals with diminished capacities to consent, the investigator assures the consent and assent is obtained, as appropriate.

  1. Human subjects will be selected equitably, so the risks and benefits of the research are justly distributed.


  1. The IRB will be immediately informed of any information regarding incidents of non-compliance with approved research protocols, stipulations of the IRB, federal or state regulations and guidelines, or local policies and procedures, as well as unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others.


  1. The privacy of the subjects and confidentiality of subjects' research data will be maintained appropriately.


  1. Forms & Tools

 UTRMS-IRB (electronic protocol submission system)

UTRMS-IRB Library, Templates


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

45 CFR Part 46


21 CFR Part 50


21 CFR Part 56


42 CFR Part 50


45 CFR Part 94


 HOP 7-1210 - Promoting Objectivity in Research by Managing, Reducing, or Eliminating Conflicts of Interest


The University of Texas at Austin Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures

  1. History

Last reviewed with editorial updates: August 10, 2023

Previously reviewed: December 12, 2013

Next scheduled review date: August 2016

Previously HOP 11.B.5