Handbook of Operating Procedures 9-1120

Request for Exemption From Non-Resident Tuition on the Basis of Employment or Military Assignment

Effective August 01, 1980

Executive Sponsor: Vice President of Student Affairs 
Policy Owner: Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

 Section 54.051 (o) of the Texas Education Code states that in order for non-resident teaching assistants, research assistants, or other student employees to qualify for resident tuition rates by virtue of their university employment, it is necessary that the employment be related to the student's degree program.


The following rules and procedures are hereby issued to fully implement the law stated above.


  1. The spouse and children of University employees who are employed at least half-time on a regular monthly salary basis and who are not full-time students shall qualify for resident tuition rates. The fact that the spouse or children may also be students employed by The University in work not related to a degree program does not affect their right to pay resident tuition rates.


  1. In the case of full-time University employees who are paid a regular monthly salary, they shall be permitted to pay resident rates for courses.


  1. To qualify for resident tuition rates, the substance of the student's work should be related to the student's degree program.


  1. The procedure for students seeking resident tuition qualification by virtue of degree-related employment or because of the employment of a spouse or parent shall be as follows:


  1. Obtain copy of request for exemption from non-resident tuition form from employing department.


  1. If qualifying because of spouse or parent employment, page 2 of the form must be completed and signed by the spouse or parent, the employing department and the student.


  1. If qualifying by virtue of own employment, page 1 of the form must be completed and signed by the student, the employing department and the appropriate academic dean. (The degree- related certification is not required for full-time employees.)


  1. If qualifying for a summer session exemption on the basis of own employment for the fall and spring semesters, the special summer provision section at the bottom of page 1 must be signed by the employing department.


  1. Take completed form to the Special Billing Section, Bursar's Division, prior to the registration billing date.
  1. If a student wishes to appeal a denied request for exemption from non-resident tuition, he should make his appeal in writing to his dean and then to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.


  1. A military person assigned to the University as a student must submit to the Office of Admissions and Records prior to the time of registration each semester a statement from the commanding officer or personnel officer of his military unit certifying that (1) he is permanently assigned to a military unit in Texas, (2) his duty station is in Texas if different from his unit of assignment, and (3) his assignment will be in effect at the time of registration.
Previously HOP 8.13