Handbook of Operating Procedures 9-1250-PM

University Sponsorship of Student Organizations; Student Organizations Representing the University in an Official Capacity


Effective February 6, 1980
Executive Sponsor: Vice President of Student Affairs
Policy Owner: Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs


In accordance with Appendix C of the General Information Bulletin (Section 6-304a), only an organization that is sponsored by the University may use the name of the University or an abbreviation of the name of the University as part of its name.


To be officially sponsored by the University, an organization must obtain the endorsement of a department or agency of the University and approval of the appropriate Dean or Executive Officer. Notification of this approval should be submitted to the Student Activities and Organizations Office for incorporation into the organization's permanent record and must be renewed annually. Sponsorship may be granted only to those organizations whose purpose and activities are in accord with the mission of the sponsoring department or agency. Sponsorship requires support, endorsement, supervision and the assumption of responsibility for the action and activities of the sponsored organization. Sponsorship may not be extended to groups involved in political or religious activities or in projects for private gain. Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP 4-1140)


Student Organizations Representing the University in an Official Capacity


A student organization which represents the University in intercollegiate competition, public performances, fund raising projects, or in any other endeavor must have the sponsored activity approved by the department or agency of the University which sponsors the organization, with the concurrence of the Dean or Executive Officer.


A student organization may not advertise or promote events or activities or other functions in a manner that suggests that the event or activity is sponsored by the University without prior approval by the department or agency with the concurrence of the department and Dean or Executive Officer. (Section 6.304c).


Previously PM 4.101