4.05.07 External Activity Leave - Faculty Handbook   



This section of the Faculty Handbook describes the use of External Activity Leave.

Effective Date: 08/15/2024


Review/Revised Date: 08/15/2024


Category: Faculty Affairs


Policy Owner: Faculty Senate

Policy Contact: Faculty Policy and Procedures Committee



4.5.7 External Activity Leave

Leave associated with external activities (Section 3.11.1) is limited to 20 working days per year, as set forth in HR Policy 128, for full-time faculty. This limit does not apply to external activities performed in periods of vacation, university or personal holidays, or designated time-off for faculty with nine-month appointments (Section 4.1). External Activity Leave in excess of 20 days must be charged as time away from UAB as vacation or personal holidays. External Activity Leave less than 20 days does not affect accrued personal leave or vacation time. Leave requests and approvals for external activities are separate processes. Faculty External Activity Leave requests are submitted through UAB's time tracking system.