Alternate Work Options Policy   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]


Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]






An alternate work option is a voluntary work arrangement between department leadership and an employee and is based on the needs of the job, work group, and organization. Employees who are approved for an alternate work option may carry out some or all of their job responsibilities at an Alternate Work Location other than a property or location of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (“UAB”) or during a flexible work schedule. This arrangement is not a University-wide benefit, and in no way changes the terms and conditions of employment with UAB.




This policy applies only to departments and employees in Workgroup A (Academic Staff). This policy is not a replacement for the University’s process for reviewing employee requests for reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act or Hiring Individuals with Disabilities – HR Policy 126.




Alternate Work Location: An authorized off-site work location, other than an employee’s Assigned Workplace, such as an employee’s home.


Alternate Work Operations Plan: A plan completed by leaders/supervisors that specifies which positions and employees are eligible for consideration to work at Alternate Work Location.


Alternate Work Options: A voluntary work arrangement between department leadership and an employee, including Hybrid (Partially) Remote Work, In-State (Fully) Remote Work, Out of State (Fully) Remote Work, and Flexible Work Schedules.


Assigned Workplace: An office or workspace provided by UAB where the employee will usually and customarily work; typically on UAB property or leased space.


Flexible Work Schedule: A work week schedule that is adjusted to allow start and end times outside of the work unit’s daily start and end times.  While employees may have adjusted work week schedules, the total number of hours worked in a work week must be at least forty (40) hours. This policy may be used in conjunction with Alternative Work Schedule Assignments, which allows for certain employees to have a reduced schedule of at least 32 hours per week, but separate approvals would be required for each and approvals are not guaranteed in either situation.

Flexible Work Schedule Agreement:  A signed agreement, in a form approved by UAB, which communicates the employee’s obligations while working a flexible work schedule at an Assigned Workplace or Alternate Work Location.

Hybrid/Remote Work Agreement: A signed agreement, in a form approved by UAB, which communicates the employee’s obligations while working at an Alternate Work Location.

Hybrid (Partially) Remote Work: A work arrangement in which an employee works at least one or more days per work week at an Assigned Workplace.  Employee must reside and work in the state of Alabama and must be within a 90-minute commuting distance to their Assigned Workplace.

In-State (Fully) Remote Work: A work arrangement in which the employee resides and works in the state of Alabama and typically works from an Alternate Work Location (off-site).


Out of State (Fully) Remote Work: A work arrangement in which the employee resides or works outside the state of Alabama and performs all work from an Alternate Work Location.


Remote Work: A work arrangement in which supervisors direct employees to perform all or some of their usual job duties at an Alternate Work Location away from their Assigned Workplace at UAB, in accordance with a Hybrid/Remote Work Agreement. Unless specifically noted as Fully Remote Work or Hybrid (Partial) Remote Work, references to “remote work” within this policy include any extent of alternate work location.


Remote Work Employee: An employee approved for Hybrid (Partially) Remote Work, In-State (Fully) Remote Work, or Out of State (Fully) Remote Work.




UAB is committed to recruiting and retaining talented employees and to creating workspaces and arrangements where missions of education, research, and service can be productively achieved. This policy and associated processes, guidelines, and procedures outline the minimum requirements in place for University departments to implement alternate work options, including flexible work schedules and alternate work locations outside of UAB and UAB properties. Departments within the University may adopt more stringent requirements for alternate work options than those outlined in this policy. Alternate work options are not an entitlement and are only approved in the best interest of the University for employees whose job duties are appropriate for such an arrangement. UAB may review, revise, or terminate a Hybrid/Remote Work Agreement or flexible work schedule or agreement at any time and assign the employee to work on campus and/or return to a regularly assigned work week schedule.


Alternate work options do not alter an employee’s work relationship with UAB, nor do they relieve an employee from the obligation to comply with all applicable UAB policies, rules, and procedures. All existing terms and conditions of employment (including, but not limited to, the position description, salary, benefits, benefit time accruals, and overtime) remain the same as if the employee worked only at their Assigned Work Location and/or with their regular work week schedule assigned by their unit, unless required otherwise by applicable state and federal laws and regulations.


University departments are expected to maintain onsite presence and services during posted business hours.


Additional Requirements for Remote Work employees:


Employees who meet the following conditions may be eligible for remote work:

  • The job duties and responsibilities of the position can be effectively performed fully or partially at the Alternate Work Location.
  • The employee has a demonstrated ability to work productively on their own and is self-motivated and flexible; and
  • The employee’s work performance meets expectations.

Remote Work Employees are expected to review and abide by all requirements outlined in the Hybrid/Remote Work Agreement. Remote Work Employees are subject to at least annual evaluations of their work arrangement. To remain eligible for Remote Work, an employee’s work performance must continue to meet expectations. Assigned Workplace space may be adjusted for a Remote Work Employee to take into account the less frequent use of such space by such employee.

Additional Requirements for Flexible Work Schedules:

All Workgroup A employees are eligible for a flexible work schedule. The employee’s work performance must meet expectations. To remain eligible for Flexible Work Schedules, an employee’s work performance must continue to meet expectations.




Confirmed lack of adherence to this policy or established procedures and processes, including an employee’s Hybrid/Remote Work Agreement, will result in consequences commensurate with the offense, up to and including termination of employment, appointment, student status, or other relationships with UAB.




The Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration is responsible for procedures to implement this policy.


Related Policies and Procedures


UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct

You and UAB Faculty and Staff Handbook

Human Resources Policies

Information Technology Policies

Privacy Policies

Records Management Policies

Asset Management Policies

Alternative Work Schedules

Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy