UAB-Related International Travel Policy
Effective Date: [Effective Date] Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date] Category: [Administrative Category]
Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]
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The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and security of individuals traveling internationally on UAB business, to set forth expectations for registration and/or approval of UAB-related employee and student international travel, and to assist individuals with available resources should an emergency occur while traveling abroad on UAB business.
This policy applies to all University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) employees and students engaging in the following types of international travel:
This policy does not apply to international travel undertaken for personal reasons or for purposes of performing external activities. This policy does apply to professional public service activities as described in the UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy.
International Travel is defined as travel outside of the United States and the District of Columbia.
Education Abroad is defined as any UAB-related Student international travel including, but not limited to:
Foreign Travel is synonymous with International Travel.
Student is any individual who is currently enrolled in or has registered for any undergraduate, graduate, or professional academic program at the University regardless of location (University Premises, online, off-campus, or auditing); is not enrolled for a particular term but has a continuing relationship with the University; or is participating in an educational program sponsored by or affiliated with the University, including, but not limited to, orientation or education abroad programs.
UAB-Related International Travel is defined as any International Travel undertaken for the purposes detailed in the above “Applicability” section of this policy.
UAB-Related International Travel Registration Form is submitted by employees for international travel associated with performance of UAB Business Activities, including professional public service activities, as described in the UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy. Accessed through UAB Forms website.
UAB supports and encourages international travel by employees and Students for the purpose of furthering the educational, research, and service missions of UAB. Those traveling on UAB business should be aware that policies and procedures governing behavior and financial affairs apply regardless of the location where UAB business is conducted. In addition, employees and Students are required to adhere to the expectations set forth below.
Employee Travel
All travelers should exercise informed judgment on whether to travel to a given location (see Travel Advisories below). In certain circumstances (described below in Travel Advisories and Restricted Travel), business travel to certain geographical locations may be prohibited by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and/or the Vice President for Research. Additionally, no employee shall be required by UAB to travel to an international destination that the employee reasonably believes to be unsafe.
All employee international travel must be registered through the appropriate procedure using the UAB-Related International Travel Registration Form prior to commencement of the travel. Such registration initiates and facilitates processes for payment or reimbursement of expenses and travel services and insurance coverage (see the International Travel Guidelines). Failure to register international travel may result in personal liability for the costs of travel and/or lack of resources for emergencies abroad.
Funding of UAB-related international travel expenses from UAB accounts requires approval prior to commencement of the travel through submission of a UAB-Related International Travel Registration Form. Based on the funding source, advance approval of the sponsor may also be required. UAB-Related International Travel that is paid by the traveler or directly to or on behalf of the traveler by a non-UAB agency or organization does not require approval. However, in such cases, employees are still required to register their international travel plans using the UAB-Related International Travel Registration Form in advance of their departure, and comply with UAB export controls, which includes use of UAB computers and equipment, as described below.
International travel by employees accompanying Students on Education Abroad must be approved by UAB Education Abroad in advance of the travel.
Student Travel
Any Student undertaking UAB-Related International Travel must obtain approval of UAB Education Abroad through the appropriate procedure prior to commencement of the travel as described in the International Travel Guidelines.
International travel by Students is subject to the Country Restrictions set forth in the International Travel Guidelines and may require a review process. UAB International Travel Risk Management Committee reserves the right to deny requests for student travel to such locations. Additionally, no Student shall be required by UAB to travel to an international destination that the Student reasonably believes to be unsafe (see Travel Advisories below).
Any Student who fails to comply with the registration process and/or UAB International Travel Risk Management Committee decisions will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and may be subject to the Student Conduct process. Failure to comply with this policy by a Student organization may result in the loss of privileges and/or revoking of registration and active status for the Student organization.
Additional advance approvals may be required for student international travel depending on the funding source.
International travel should be undertaken only in accordance with this policy and associated guidelines and after the traveler has considered all necessary personal safety issues. All travelers engaging in UAB-related international travel are encouraged to check the travel advisories provided by the U.S. State Department for the countries to be visited. For assistance with obtaining or interpreting the travel advisories, employees may contact the UAB Executive Director of Research Safety and Security within the Office of Research and Students may contact UAB Education Abroad. Additional information on international travel safety is available from the U.S. Department of State.
International travelers who intend to take equipment, software, or materials (e.g., laptop computers, laboratory equipment, laboratory samples, etc.) abroad should obtain prior management approval in advance of travel. The traveler should refer to the UAB Export Control Compliance Program Manual to ensure that they are in compliance with Federal regulations. Any travelers planning to travel to a country under U.S. government sanctions must clear their travel plans with the UAB Executive Director of Research Safety and Security to ensure that all government-required approvals or licenses are in place prior to departure. UAB-owned equipment should not be taken during personal international travel.
The Office of the Provost and Office of Research are responsible for procedures to implement this policy.
Related Policies, Procedures, and Regulations
Foreign Travel
International Travel Guidelines and Resources for UAB Employees and Students
UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy